Thursday, August 24, 2023

More from Jacksonville

Before getting this post rolling a little bit of good news for me. I am well on my way of getting back to the pre-Georgia schedule/routine.

Most of you know that I belong to a trading group called OCT (OLDCARDTRADERS). No, that isn't because of our age! It's because the main focus of the group is old cards. Here is this morning closeout on the most recent trading period (which is 3 months). The rules are for most people you have to make 3 trades per period basically 1 a month. At some point you have enough trades done that you only have to make 1 trade for the period (that's me). Easy to do because you don't actually have to make a trade the old fashioned although many do. You simply send at least 1 card or envelope/package to someone in the group. That's it  pretty easy. 

92nd Trading Period

Welcome to the 92nd OCT Trading Period! 

The 91st OCT Trading Period was our best Trading Period ending in August since 2011 as we managed to make 488 Trades.

Congrats go out to John Miller for leading the pack with 170 Trades this time. 

He has now accomplished this feat times.

We had 9 Members exceed their Trader Point Total from the previous Trading Period.  

Congrats go out to the following Members. 










I’m looking forward to the new Trading Period and hopefully it is equal if not better than the 91st Trading Period. 

Happy Trading!


CORRECTION FROM LAST NIGHT: The Pinnacle set are 1996, 97, & 98. 

Okay now for the regular post.

I do have several post left with the goodies picked up at the beginning of the month. (I could actually post for all of next month). I won't d that. too much scanning would be required. I did scan up a LOT from that vintage monster box I bought. Tonight I will showcase the set build needs, and save the "card I was surprised to find in the box" for a few posts. Yes, there were that many. Enough to load up 3 full posts of cards that shouldn't have been in a quarter box let alone a four cent box which is what I wound up paying for each card by buying the whole box. 

I was tempted to scan the card backs because I am pretty sure a third of the cards were high numbered cards. I didn't though. High numbered vintage in a quarter box no way. But seeing was believing. Anyways before starting I broke down what was in the box.

1000 vintage football cards 50 &60's.

500 vintage basketball cards 60's & 70's.

I have already made about 2 dozens trades with just those!

The rest was baseball. 1950's to 1980 (but only 45 cards from 80'). Six years dominated the box and here are those numbers.

1968 Topps: 300 cards

1969 Topps: 250 cards

1972 Topps: 100 cards

1974 Topps: 500 cards

1976 Topps: 700 cards

1978 Topps: 600 cards

Leaving roughly a thousand cards from the other years. There were quite a bit of 57' Topps too. I should have counted them as well.  Remind you a third of these were high numbers. Crazy stuff, but I'm good. 

Here were my set build needs.

A few stars right from the start.

Most of the cards weren't even in bad shape. I will have to upgrade a few though. And many of the cards here tonight were upgrades themselves. 

I forget why I scanned dupes of  Browne. Maybe it was one of the variations, I forget now. I am sure I put a sticky on the back reminding me. As you can see the 68's were tremendous in knocking out cards from that needs list.

Same goes for the series 7 checklists.

That 72' will certainly be one to be replaced/upgraded. It is so mis-cut, hey that a Braves card on the bottom. Check out that WASHINGTON Willie so sweet knocking that need out.

Here the last Red checklist unmarked that I needed to upgrade. The other checklist are also unmarked not that I needed them, but vintage unmarked checklists are keepers. 

They ain't the purdiest cards but I needed these four. There was another couple dozen of these in the box too. By these I mean 68' Topps game cards. I should have three posts highlighting other cards ie: Superstars and such. I post one or two of those next week. I have 7 more posts in total from the August Jax. card show. 

Tomorrow night (if I get the scanning done in time) will be the start of Franken-Friday!


  1. Nice stuff! Even a few Twins in the mix.

  2. That's a great club to belong to, and I'm loving thise great 't8 Topps cards.

    Good Job! 👍

  3. Ooooh, checklists. And a beautiful miscut on the Bobby Floyd.

    1. just wait until I show the surprises (three posts worth)

  4. Wow! Posts like this make me want to go to a card show, though I highly doubt I'd find boxes like that in my area, where people jack up the prices on everything.

    Speaking of clubs I've decided to apply to OBC. Will be interesting . . .

    1. I hope you have fun with it (OBC). As for dealers that jack the prices up, they're in Jax too, they just know that I won't buy from them or even do much more than a glance at their cards if that.

  5. While not a set collector, I actually finished the 1968 Topps Game set. Don't know why, but always enjoyed them.

  6. Those Brownes certainly look like they were printed differently.VERY nice on the Washington NL McCovey!

    1. I remember why I scanned them now. The 68' Topps cards are slightly different (typically the shade of yellow on the back) than their near identical Milton Bradley versions. One day long after I complete the 68' set I will separate the two versions and rebuild both sets. Just not anytime soon.

  7. Don't think I've seen the Washington McCovey before, very cool!

  8. Not sure how long those trading periods are... but 170 trades is impressive regardless if that's a month or a year. Plus with all of those care packages you send out... it's amazing you find the time to sort cards. Great job John!

    1. Each OCT trading period is 3 months. I hold the top 4 records for the most trades in a period (I plan on doing one more super period with 600 trades). That way I hold the top 5 all time spots.
