Thursday, July 25, 2024

Disney trip: Day 2....Animal Kingdom

 My brother and I finally won 1st place at the new trivia place (started in February here). It all came down to the final/championship question which is the usual. You can bet nothing or up to all of your points which is what we did as we were in 3rd place heading into that one question. Name the G7 countries. Got it as did 4 other teams that also doubled up, but none of those that were ahead of us. My brother is very happy. Trivia is his thing.

Going to get right at it for the day two activities (Saturday). Started the morning grabbing breakfast off of the resort. My daughter likes trying new places to eat, which is actually limiting because my grandson only eats a few things period. Pancakes, Waffles, cheese pizza, some pasta, and chicken. Doesn't matter the meal as those are the only foods he eats. Now I wouldn't allow such things, but Hunter does. She picked out a place called Maple's. They had chicken and waffles and that is what both of them ate. I had bacon and eggs with hashbrowns and a biscuit.

Yes, the little guy ate it all. With that said, the resort also had chicken and waffles or Mickey pancakes which is what he had Sunday. Love that expression.

Hopped on the bus to head over to Animal Kingdom. He was supposed to leave the Buzz at the hotel.

The thing that Elijah wanted to do the most was go to the "mountain". It is actually a scary roller coaster ride(with a Yeti inside) and he fell one inch short (I am thankful). I should say that when we got back to the resort after breakfast and we were walking from the parking lot I knew my back was going to be an issue, more so my hips. I rented a scooter inside the park. Turned out to be a great idea!

Elijah was a little pissed off because he couldn't go inside the mountain, but he got over it. The next thing we did was hit up the basically a live musical of Finding Nemo. The "gate keepers" decided to not just put us in the "Lightning Lane", but put us at the front of it... Super cool! No waiting! I didn't take pictures inside because they said not to, although some people didn't follow the rules....I did!

E loves dinosaurs, they rode this ride a couple of times back to back. My daughter is having a ball because she let the little guy control the tilt. Look at her face.

After the triceratops it was time for an ice cream and something to drink. He had just bitten off Mickey's ear when I snapped the pic. Then we found a place to eat you guessed it....chicken strips. Hunter wanted to do the Safari all the way across the park. The line was long when we got there and no bump there. Shucks!

Scooped up Elijah while we were still in line for a quick pic.

Lots of animals throughout the Safari ride (those animal pics are on my daughter's phone). I had this one. After spending the day (5-6 hours) we headed back to the resort so they could do homework (2 days worth), eat dinner and hit up the pool before bed. Their bedtime, not mine.

I knew that I would be heading back out once they were in bed and planned to get some pics of the Fireworks this time. I got there early and noticed that on the lake were tugs pulling lighted displays before the boom boom time.

The colors on the water were good. I was switching back and forth from photo and video, and overall my pics and vids sucked. I'm sorry.

Had to get a closer shot with the ferry coming in from Disney.

We had breakfast at the resort (it was so much cheaper there than at the parks and about the same as the cost eating away from the resort).

Tried to get the little guy to pose for a pic by the fountain, but he was more interested in getting to the pool. We were going to head over to Hollywood Studios after checking out, but decided to chill in the pool and then get home earlier than planned. We were all wiped out including me even though I did the scooter thing the day before.

This shot was easy.... poor bird lol.

Well folks that was the 3 days/2 night trip away from home for his birthday (which is actually this Friday). It was a good trip although I believe he would have had a whole lot more fun in a few more years from now. With Hunter graduating this summer, she changed jobs (she worked with children with autism until last week. She started her new job (now a behavior specialist) at the very Elementary school she and her sisters attended. I wish her well (and praying for her). Maybe an adjustment moving from one issue to ALL issues, and so many kids in one place. She now has a State retirement plan and benefits which are pretty good even though the salaries in Florida for school workers teacher's included are not. Wages here were never really an issue because everything here was proportionate....That is except for the last 3+ years. Now, it is a big deal. Housing is 4x higher than it was just 4 years ago, food is up just like it is everywhere, and utilities are up 50% with those dang companies pushing for two more 50% bumps. Lord I hope our State leaders shoot them down. I miss my $50.00-70.00 electric bills (2 months would actually hit a hundy.... August and January). I know that sounds crazy low to most of you folks, but that is what it was until last year. I take that back, while I was in Georgia, my daughter would run the a/c constant even when not home and that would keep it near a hundred to 150.00. I run my heater 7-8 months out of the year and could avoid that 3 digit utility bill except for Jan. Not anymore. 

No idea how I got on that rant, I do know that the hottest month is coming in a week. Stay cool everybody and stay hydrated :).

Tuesday, July 23, 2024

Walt Disney World, Animal Kingdom, Hollywood Studios, and the Grand Floridian

 Okay folks as you can "see" I am back safe and sound. What I'd like to do is knock out this 3 day/2night trip out in one post, but it surely will take two. Try to anyway.

We left out Friday mid morning for the 90 minute trip south. Knowing that our room would not be "ready" when we got to the "Grand Floridian" a beautiful resort and spa on the Magic Kingdom property our plans was to immediately hit up Mickey and we did.

Made a pit-stop as soon as we got on Florida's Turnpike. Elijah didn't want to take a picture because it was fake bear, lol.

So I did. Then back to road. Made good time of course and "checked in", they held our bags and off to the Magic Kingdom we went.

Tram ride we took vs the boat ride or walk to the entrance.

One souvenir in (the hat) and a pic.

Another souvenir (pretty sure E played with that all weekend).

See the bubbles, so does he.

Yeah, he couldn't take his eyes off of Buzz Light Year.

Just trying this one on. He is in mid step as music started playing that he liked. Shorty there after we took the ferry ride back to the resort.

Immediately upon entry this was waiting for us.

Even though the park was open til 11pm, we headed back long before dark so that we could eat outside of the hotel (Papa John's) and not knowing how late the pools (there were 3) would be open. The above shot is from out balcony.

This would be a daily thing.

Now here is some background. I raised my girls a certain way, bedtime was bedtime (8pm elementary school, 9pm middle school, 10pm high school), no matter what day or season. Year round! I didn't hold them to that when we were on a vacation where them parks were part of the activities. I also would make an exception if there was something special (high school). It is the one thing that has stuck the best with all 4 of them because they themselves still are in bed my 10/10:30 even today. Hunter on the other hand is in bed by 8pm. The youngest and only 25 years old and single (sort of).

Yep, 8 pm was the nightly cut off literally lights curtains, tv, everything. For a night owl like me, that was not good. (next trip we'll get separate rooms, lol).

I decided to walk around the venue and grab a couple of celebratory cocktails (19 years since last vacation), and then watch the fireworks from the lake. You are looking at the one and only one drink I had. I don't indulge often and when I do it is not house brand or tier one 1 whiskey. Makers Mark, typically a tier 2 or 3 depending where you are. Yeah, $20.00 drink here, nope just one for me. That would cover an entire 5th back home. I watched the fireworks and forgot to take pics Friday night.

One last picture for the first day. Again view is from the balcony. By the way, the pools stayed open until 11 pm each night. I'll post day two tomorrow (Animal Kingdom) which will also have 2 pictures from check out day.

Monday, July 22, 2024

A HUGE celebration

 On Monday (yesterday) I achieved a HUGE goal over on the OldCardTraders group. Like this blog I started with them in 2013. The group is in it's 26th year (I think). Here is the announcement from the Founder of the site/group.

Congrats go out to JOHN MILLER for earning his 3000th Career OCT Trader Period.

John told me back in August 2022 that he wanted to join the 3000 club in a couple of years.        In a little less then two years he has done so and now only the sixth Member to accomplish this OCT Milestone. (Bob D'Angelo, Tim Morales, Michael Salinsky, Don Roth, L.Medeiros) 

Simply Awesome John!
Len M.

Len, Bob, Tim, and Michael are still active in the group. Don passed away a few years back. He would come to Florida every spring for baseball (and GOLF). He and Bob would meet up have breakfast then go golfing. I was supposed to join them about 10 years ago, but the weekend got crossed up and I didn't make it. Well, I did but a week late, lol. His nephew is still active in the group. Before going to GA, I would meet up with Bob for lunch (he lives 2 hours from me) and trade some cards. Leader Len used to live here in Florida but journeyed to North Carolina about 10 years ago. Bob leads the group in total all-time trades (no one will catch him....Ever) Was over 4,800 for at two years now. Tim has crossed the 4K milestone too. 

Currently I should be 5th on the active all-time list with 3rd and 4th on the horizon. I do hold several records within the group that probably will never be touched. I also should be getting another accomplishment milestone once this trading period ends. That will be leading the pact of trading periods. This should be my tenth time doing so which is second only to Bob who has done so 28 times. 

3000 will be coming to this blog again in the real near future for a MILESTONE. I originally was planning to make them hit at the same time. But that didn't work out. I intentionally slowed my posts down to get it so close, but then the 160ish trades I made on OCT this period scoffed that. 

I will be hitting my 3,000th post real soon.

HELP ME.... PLEASE. 2004 Topps Traded: The checklists red and blue plus the entire 110 card puzzle.

 I need your help. The help from all of you. Let's open source this "project". I WANT the entire thing. Blue checklists (10) and 110 card puzzle. Red checklists (10) and 110 card puzzle.

I have 4 checklists coming from Ebay any day now. No idea red or blue. I know this is a nutso project. However, I do believe it is doable through sourcing this out to all of us. There is a lot on Ebay with 68 checklists, no list on them and 350 other cards from the set including chrome. I don't need those base cards just the checklists. I watched it and the seller sure enough made me a good offer on the lot. Dropped $15.00 off of the lot which is listed for $75.00, I am letting the offer pass at $60.00. I want the checklists and puzzles only. Well, I do need the traded #66 Francona. 

Let's get this done. Just like the blogosphere handled Night Owl's 24' Heritage minis. We can do it! I am betting there are tons of the red (hobby) and blue (retail) puzzle checklists sitting in hundreds/thousands of boxes gathering dust. 


You know the 1977 Topps Cloth 55 card set and both puzzles might be another good one :)

Thursday, July 18, 2024

I was visited.

 Just a short post tonight as I leave out in the morning for technically the first vacation I've had in 19 years. Albeit it is only 2 nights away from home, it's still the closest thing to a vacation I nearly 2 decades. I'll be back late Sunday night, and with no doubt exhausted. Monday will be a day of rest for sure.

Now about my visitor, no.... it was not a little green man from outer space. No space alien here. My visitor hailed from an hour + from me. Jeremy over Deland journey over last Friday to go at my trade boxes. He was successful with several hundred finds (maybe 500 or so). Per his usual he brought some cards for me. 

Jeremy was stoked with a good size stack of 2023 chronicles. Right off, I knew that there wouldn't be lot I needed. Yes, I collect and build all of the Chronicles going back to 2017 the first year. Pretty much an impossible task to complete a full year. I've done well with some years. 2023 is year that I predict will be the first year I complete one not counting the memorabilia and autographed cards. Still there are the 100-nearly 200 sets within the sets that will be unlikely. I have no idea was I decided to chase these sets. But I did. Now as you can see the five cards above, those were needs. 

You can actually check my Set Builds (scroll down to the bottom of that link and find the Chronicles). That is the easiest way. I also this past week added the ones missing from all years (base cards) to TCDB as wants. Yes. I finally have a want list up on TCDB. I also included the John Elway cards that I don't own. The site drives me NUTS, as I don't have a For Trade or Sale list, but every hour they are e-mailing telling me there is a MATCH. No match I don't have anything listed to trade for cards on my new want list. For me a MATCH only exists on both sides, not one sided. Oh well, just another frustration.  

As has become the usual Jeremy took me to Subway for lunch and I scarfed down a footlong meatball this go around. Last time I wolfed down a footlong Beast. We talk cards, and baseball, life, and just general BS if you will for hours. I always enjoy it. 

Back to the title I would much rather have this kind of visitor than one of those little green men, or tall grey ones for that matter.

Have a great weekend folks, as it will be next week sometime before I post again.

Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Hall of Famers, Rookie cards, and a 1 of 1

 Last Friday I had this post in mind, but held out for that 1948 Boston Braves mint condition never folded (still isn't) it didn't get wet. That sked came in the mail on Friday as did that huge lot of Atlanta skeds. Now we are back to where I was. Lord knows this past weekend was one for the history books. My condolences and best wishes going forward to those families who suffered Saturday. 

With all of that off of my chest let's cover tonight's post. Most if not all of you know that I have a lot of trade boxes. There wasn't any kind of sorting involved in most of those monster boxes. Since I have been back home I have tried to go through most of them separating PC guys that I might need (doubtful), then inserts, parallels, higher end set cards, and boxing them in what I call my quarter boxes. Some make what I call the dollar boxes (there isn't many of those- maybe 3k so far). The rest get left in the boxes that I call my dime boxes. If I had the time which I don't I would actually sort the cards by sets and put in numerical order. Yeah, that's not happening although it would make it so much easier to trade. I've been doing a good job with the boxes I've bought since I've been home isolating bulk Topps series together. So the last 3 years worth (only been home 1 1/2 years) is pretty good. Hence those 158 trades that I just made over on OCT.

What has been overlooked for some time is the 5 or so monster boxes of PC dupes boxes. Well last week I went through one of them. Flipped through every card, pulling several hundred out to look up the prices, well Beckett prices (we all know how off those are). After that task was completed I pulled apx. 80 cards out for this post. I do plan on doing the same with the others as I get to them. No telling when that will be. Keep in mind that just because a guy is in my PC doesn't mean the cards are valuable.

Lourdes is not a PC guy. His brother was, but will be culled from those set aside and placed into the appropriate boxes in the future.  This card however gets special rules for making it into the box it was in.

2018 Topps Holiday Gold metallic....  One of One! Yeah this card doesn't go into the cheap boxes.

Here you go Mickey Mantle, Guidry rookies, Valenzuela RC, and Derek Jeter rookies. What is nuts is that I probably have all of these in each of the boxes that I still need to go through, probably all of the cards here tonight too.

Tribute here to Fred McGriff, notice the Leaf. Second year Ripken. As for Julio Franco, I have been a fan since he was with Atlanta (the first time), never stopped. So much respect for how long that guy played the game and played it well too. Pretty sure he is still coaching somewhere. As a player MLB, Milb, KOR, JAP, MEX, IND. I looked up stats:

MLB: 2,586 hits, 1,194 rbi's, 173 HR, and 281 SB.  Not bad in and of itself.

This next set of stats includes ALL of his player stats: 4,008 hits, 1,937 rbi's, 309 HR, and 457 SB. 

Now let's a current guys.

Just one more card.

Not a bad dupe....rather trip. Set build, PC, and now the Super Star dupe box. LOL.

It maybe awhile before I decide to pull out another of those boxes (a lot of shuffling around). We'll see after the Disney trip.

Monday, July 15, 2024

Should be entertaining. ADDENDUM: Lessons learned Sad News.

 Whether you like ephemera, breweriana, tobacco, soda, advertising in general, sports fan, or simply a Braves fan tonight should not disappoint.  I spent a lot of time perusing Braves oddballs last week. Among the other things I tasked myself to do. I came upon this seller who had a ton of Braves stuff and turns out he lives in the city where two of my sisters (Jan and Joyce) live: Acworth, Ga. I reached out, and thus started a half dozen messages back and forth and ultimately we came to an arrangement on everything you'll see here tonight. I mentioned Friday that that post was basically a warm up for this post. Let's get the cat out of the bag. Everything here tonight are Atlanta Braves pocket schedules referred to in the hobby as SKEDS. I was able to get the run of mostly mint (half never folded) and flat skeds from 1966-2010. 1966 The first year the Braves played in ATL (not the reason why 66' in ATL is great, no that would be because I was born in ATL in 66'. The Falcons also started in ATL in 66', but my birth absolutely beats that out too :).  

The 66' never folded, the 67 has been but not to creasing.

Here you can see how the skeds change over the years and that is pretty cool all in and of itself. As far as I can tell the oldest baseball pocket sked out there is one from 1903 for the Yankees. 

What a great cartoon! I love it.

First ATL sked with Hank on the cover. I grew up listening to Ernie Johnson on the radio (along with Skip Carey). 

The 72' (with writing on it) is the first one that was previously folded and creased on those seams thus the sked is still okay other than the writing. This one was definitely used. Might as well get this out there now there are lots of variants with these things, but that's okay too.

Another Hank! The print is small but you can see the promo for poster nights.

Look at those ticket prices. It shows general admission was $2.00 (I actually remember paying $1.50 for the nose bleeds, and because the stadium was basically empty wind up watching the game in the from row down the left field line. Great memories.


Looks like Murph again.

I believe Dale Murphy again.

The next batch of sked have moved from 3 panels to four.

Greg Maddux make his appearance.

Looks like Smoltz. World Series Champions!

Andruw Jones. 

Hank Aaron once more.

Okay the 2002 Chipper sked means I certainly need another one of those for the Bubble Gum binder. In case you're wondering why the bubble looks like Mickey Mouse, the Braves Spring Training back then was at Disney where I will be a few days.

2003-2008 the skeds changed again basically doubling up. 4 panel and bi-folded too.

The next two (the last two) are back to the 4 panel, but with the schedule on the front side.

The backs definitely different. Okay that is the big get off Ebay last week. Just for general knowledge I did already have many Braves skeds, some are different than the ones above so that is cool.

1974, 82, 86-88, 90-98, 2000, 06. Those are all folded and in a binder along with a few minor league skeds. My dilemma right now is whether or not to fold these (I don't want too) so that they can be stored in a normal 9 pocket pages. I know the 1948 sked I posted Friday is bigger and will need to be in a larger plastic even if I folded that one (but I am NOT). I may have to seek out a 3 pocket page that is top to bottom the same for each of the pockets. I just don't know if those exist. Give me your thoughts. 

Update: Found the horizontal 3 pocket pages, won't work. Found 2 diff. sizes. 1 7 1/2" wide, the other 8 1/2. The 4 panel skeds are a full 9" wide. Now to find a 2 pocket vertical divide page. 


I started writing the post above Friday night, worked on it Saturday and Sunday. Well, and right now Monday morning. The skeds you see above no longer exist in the condition scanned. Nope. Every morning I have 2 cups of coffee, sometimes 1 1/2. Well, this morning I only had 1 cup because for the first time in my life I spilled my coffee, the 2nd cup. Yep, you guessed it the skeds were still laying on the work table in my living room. The coffee got them, my cell phone, and laptop among other things. 

This is depressing, sad. I should have put them away days ago. Lesson learned! A lot of money down the drain. I'll mourn for a few days, but I'll pull up my boot straps and move on. Get back up. Make lemonade so to speak. Not all is lost though as I have attended to them the best that can be and will allow them to air dry for a day or two. I no longer need to find special pages to store them. No I will be folding them into their pocket state and will be placing them into the binder with 9 pocket pages. A problem that has resolved itself. In words that also rang clear this weekend. "Fight Fight Fight"

Moving forward. 

update (again): I have now folded them and placed them in the binders. I do need to get some more 6 pocket pages as 1966-1988 are a bit too tall for the standard 9-pocket, but for now it works. Also noting that the sked still look great.