Wednesday, August 16, 2023

Jax card show Fred yes the Toys are here!

 As I mentioned Tuesday I started the show by getting there early and meeting up with Fred to make an exchange. I then proceeded inside to see what Chuck had before anyone else could put the scoop on me. His stuff was way out of my budget except for the cards I did get and showed the other night, but failed to mention that I bought two boxes of vintage cards in lesser condition One was $5.00 and one was $8.00 and a total of 400 cards. Those were part of the $80.00 I spent with Chuck. I put those beaters in with the monster box I bought. I of course hit Fred's stuff up then and there too.

I hadn't seen these before, he gave them to me. By "them" I also got a Manny Machado.

Fred also GAVE me these three too. I want to say right now that I grabbed another one of those Maddux cards later elsewhere. 

I didn't get much from Fred this go around unless of course you count the 3200 count box (held about 5000) Pokemon cards half of which were from 2023. Before you start thinking to much. I went through the Pokemon thing with three of my daughters back in the 90's. They literally each had 2 complete sets of all of the sets including the foreign cards from Japan. There were a lot of those cards then. When those three went off to college I asked what do you want to do with these. All three replied I don't want them, so a decade ago I gave them to my best friend Bob the one that used to live here (now in Vegas) and was a card dealer. I gave them to him. Yeah, those would be nice to have right now for sure. Anyways, my youngest daughter asked me about those cards last month and I explained to her the above situation. I didn't ask why she was asking. Then the following week, my ex (#3) texted me (something that hasn't happened but maybe twice in the last 12 years!)  asking about the Pokemon cards. I replied with the same explanation as above. She sent a final text saying that is not how she understood it. Now that his how my ex is/was. When Hunter came over that weekend I told her that her mom had asked about them too so I wanted to know what the deal is about those old Pokemon cards. She said Brittany the 2nd youngest (and my step-daughter) who now is 30 years old had gotten my grandson into watching the cartoon and collecting the cards. While Hunter was there she needed to run to Wally World and I watched Elijah. When Hunter got back she had bought him a pack of Pokemon cards. I knew then and there that this would have to stop at least buying them retail. I know how costly that gets after all I went through it with the girls at the same time. I knew that I get boxes of those things from $25-100.00. So Fred just so happened to have a box of them at the show. 

I did not scan them no need to put us in that trap. It took a two weeks to get them sorted and put into binders they dated from 2013-2023, and by the sets and in order with spaces left for the missing cards should they ever pop up. They too are now on one of my book shelves (along with some Star Wars Stuff but on a different shelf). My grandson can not play with those. It is funny seeing him name the things, he knows them. Anyways, half the cards were dupes+, so he gets a handful when he comes over and I gave my daughter some for her glove box as she uses the cards for blackmail I mean extortion, I mean rewarding him for being good when they are in public. I told her QUIT buying the cards retail. These cost me a penny two at the max each. If you must buy him something don't do it on the card aisle. She knows that she and Elijah can go through the binders here and not to take the cards out. He has the cards that he can play with and they are in the thousands. 

How is that for not getting much from Fred? What? You say that is not enough. Okay okay okay here are the 4 Star Wars toys that he gave me too.

I also when uploading this photo realized that I had taken a couple of pics last month at the Brave/Rays game.

I'm sure that food looked better before he dug into it. Randy the Rays left fielder was awesome. Every inning he brought 3 or 4 extra balls with him to throw into the stands. Love that interaction.

Here we have Eddie Rosario. The fans in the stadium love them some Eddie. They were chanting Eddie Eddie Eddie all night. 

My brother and I had pretty good seats although it was a low scoring game with just 3 runs total off two homeruns neither of which came our way. Any other night that would have been the HOT SPOT! The leg you see there at the bottom was a guy sitting next to me (my brother was in the end row seat on my left). The guy, his brother and a friend were in Tampa from Cleveland (Indians/Guardians fans) for the week. They were rooting for the Rays an AL team, and that was okay they were nice guys. The kid next to me asked why was there so many Braves fans in Tampa? I had to explain to him that there wasn't a major league club in Florida until 1993. So most people chose to be Braves fans unless they were in the half of Floridians that came here from somewhere else and brought that fandom with them. Then the Marlins took a few away. Finally, the Rays came. 

There you go ending on baseball.


  1. I have Pokémon fans and Star Wars fans in my house as well. I'm not included in that group. Sports are my area.

  2. Vintage Star Wars! Yes the grandson could get carried away and accidentally break them! Part of me was sad when I read you gave away completed Pokémon sets

    1. No need to be sad, I knew what I was doing. I gave them to a dealer and best friend who was always looking for Pokemon cards for the kids that came. He needed them and I didn't. What was sad for me is that the 3 girls didn't want them. I knew he would be selling them eventually, it just took about a week... LOL, he sold them for $100.00 for all of them. He could have pieced them out for so so much more even then. That was kind of sad too. I probably would have hung onto them if I known he was needing the dough that bad. I would have just given him the money.

  3. It's really cool to see Pokemon's popularity soar in recent years. When I first started teaching, I needed to supplement my income because I barely made enough to pay rent and make the monthly payments on my credit cards... let alone pay for classroom supplies. So I started working at the LCS located in the mall across the street from my school. Although the owner hired me, because I was a customer for several years... he also hired me because he knew I'd draw kids in from my school. At the time 1998/99... Pokemon was huge. 26 years later... it's cool to see kids carrying around their binders of Pokemon cards. Although I have to warn them about trading them in the middle of my class.

    Those Super7 figures are really cool. I'm a big fan of their Reaction series... just because they remind me of my childhood. Unfortunately they're expensive (normally around $20)... and realistically should only sell for about half that price.

    P.S. Thanks for showing off the Star Wars toys! They're awesome! I know I owned the X-Wing, landspeeder, and cloud car. Not sure if I had the AT-ST. I did have the AT-AT though. By the way... one of these days I'll get around to showing off that medic droid action figure you sent me in one of your care packages. That's a figure I did not have on my shelf.

    1. I would have a hard time forking over $5.00 on those Super7s, unless it was a Brave of course. LOL. I didn't realize how many people are into those old Star Wars toys. I'll have to break out the figures I have held prisoner in their Darth Vader cases. (I have two of them).

  4. As a kid I had probably about 3/4 of the Star Wars figure, but none of the larger toys (they were too expensive). Thanks for showing those.

    Neither of my kids have gotten into Pokemon, I don't think any of their friends are either. Magic the Gathering seems somewhat popular though. I do know that Al the NYC street vendor who I get baseball cards from, sells more Pokemon cards than anything else.

  5. I didn't understand the appeal of Pokemon when it was new, and I'm absolutely flabbergasted by it still being around, and so popular, all of these years later.

    1. My oldest three girls all had them and the ones that I could retire for real on (if I still had them). I didn't get the actual "game" back then let alone now. Don't get the other gaming cards either. One of the aforementioned 3 girls liked Yugioh too, and she had some of those cards as well. The youngest she did WEbKinz. I got that one (I played as much as she did) I just gave her her old cards last week. Her toys from them are still boxed up now in my shed!
