Sunday, March 17, 2024

Happy Saint Patrick's Day!

 One of the handful of "Holidates" that I still post up annually. Not long ago several of the St. Patty's relics were covered in the TRADE NIGHT posts, so I will forego those here today.

I've gotten pretty slack these last few years looking for "special" cards. I did do away with many of the ones that I collected. When it comes to the cards with special green hats, caps, or uni's I tend to notice (just not lately). I keep this one around because of my Scottish/Irish/Wales heritage (98.7%).  And like to pinch everyone....real hard too just kidding.

Let's get some birthday athletes thrown in as well.

Kind of lacking as one of the things I rarely get to these days is actually look at the birthdates of players on cards, but it's something. Warning stay away from the green eggs and ham. Could be bad for you. I might even steer clear of the green beer/ale.


  1. Thats the third time John Smiley has come up in the last week. Maybe its a sign that I'm supposed to pray for him.

  2. Happy St Patty's Day! ☘️⚾️☘️⚾️☘️

  3. Kept my distance from green foods and beverages. I did have Decaf coffee which we refer to as ""Green" coffee because of the color of the container it comes in.

  4. Oh man... I always hated getting pinched for not wearing something green. You'd think as an A's fan, it wouldn't have been a problem... but I just didn't have a lot of green clothing as a kid.

  5. Happy belated St. Patrick's Day, John!
