Monday, June 5, 2023

Masonic Monday: Paul Revere

 The winner Friday night was: Derek

I need to give a shout out to one of my alma maters (I have two). I obtained my associates degree from CFCC (now CF: College of Central Florida a 4 year school today). When I started college they were just a 2 year school, then I transferred to UF, you know the Gator thang! Well anyways, last week on Thursday the Patriots one the junior college baseball  (class 1) World Series. Kudos Pats!

Now on to Sir Revere.

Next week a lesson in Heraldry.


  1. Why is he contemplating about a tea pot?

  2. Thanks! I get more American history here than I ever did in school!

  3. Paul Revere, one of thise names you kearn early on in school and never forget... "lisyen and you will hear, of the midnight ride of Paul Revere."

  4. These pages tell me more than I ever knew about Paul Revere. Very interesting read.

  5. Great reading. Like John says, you learn the name and the midnight ride, but I did not know the particulars. This is one of the best of these articles yet.

  6. Revere is one that I knew was a mason. Good stuff

  7. Fun article, and speaking of alma maters, go Central Michigan!

  8. Strapped for time as I gotta get ready for school in a few minutes... so I can't read the entire Paul Revere article. However... there's a good chance I'll listen to the Beastie Boys song at some point this week.

  9. Of all the people that you've featured so far, Paul is one of ones that I knew the most about already.
