Saturday, June 10, 2023

Masonic Monday: A lesson in Heraldry

 Great Monday evening to you folks! Our winner Friday night was: Jafronius. 

Tonight I have chosen an article that relates to our US Flag day. It is this week folks! June 14th! There is more to our Flag than most people realize, and I truly hope that this article enlightens people to just that.

I feel strongly about our flag and what it really stands for. For me it is what I swore an oath to at a very young age. Not an oath to a government or any one person. No, the flag, our flag, my flag represents EVERY us citizen. To disrespect her disrespects every living American Citizen. May God bless America!

Next week get the inside scoop on who is really Uncle Sam.


  1. One of my favorite days of the year, Love Flag Day! 🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸

  2. I had never known where the "Old Glory" moniker had come from

  3. Flag Day is always easy to remember because it is my birthday. I’m surprised how few people mention that the 14th is Flag Day when they find out it’s my birthday.

  4. I am by no means a History buff, but this was a great read. I didn't know that the history of the USA flag went way back in history as it does. One nation under God! Thanks for the reminder Johnny!

  5. Very interesting to learn the history of the stars and of the stripes.

  6. Great info in this one, thanks! I'm all for the flag as well!
