Thursday, July 13, 2023

Wow! What happened yesterday?

 Not sure what was up last night, but the readership was at an all time low. 12 twelve views by bedtime, huh? Oh well hopefully it ticked up overnight and during today. I'll peek later. JUST DID, now up to 21 views and just 6 comments. 

The winner last night was: Tom (I'll put them in with the checklists and over sized cards.... heading your way).

BTW: Somebody please get me Hackenbush's address. Thank you (e-mail it).

Okay, tonight we look at the cards from Kyle's boxes that he had sitting at Fred's table. There were 6 dollar boxes (3 for a buck) three of which I had been through a couple of times over. The newer three hadn't been inside Kyle's shop yet. I marked them with my initials so that I could look closer at them for set build needs once they were at his shop. I did that actually yesterday. I wanted to do so so that I could bring a certain list with me to get the ones that I need and none of the rest. I did manage to rumble my way through those 3 boxes in Jax and pulled some cards and not just baseball either!

These were for my set builds, just not the set I wanted my list with me.

Invicta cards. I guess I am sort of building those too, although I haven't made a list. they are an insert set for Bowman Inception (I think). The sets are usually small, so I hope to get that list done soon.

Love scoring high end card sets on the cheap. That Ted Williams on the bottom looked so good I grabbed three of them. I only meant to get two (1 for the PC).

Now for Star Wars. I mentioned in a recent post (Daryl) that I would have more and here those are.

Scan got a little cockeyed there.

I have extras of the Yoda and Hans Solo too.


  1. I agree the Williams is nice. The Goldschmidt is cool too.

  2. I bought a blaster of the original Star Wars Galaxy Set back in '93, ended up with a complete set. That set and the ones that followed were great because there were a lot of creative takes on the universe and characters. These new ones look a lot more traditional.

  3. Love the artwork on those Star Wars cards! Digging that Ted Williams too!

  4. Since I rarely buy new product, its nice to see what some of the designs are, especially the high end stuff. The Star Wars stuff is nice too and I'm not even much of a fan of the series.

  5. Agreed that those Star Wars cards are pretty awesome.

  6. Good shiny stuff there. The Austin Martin is nice.

  7. Don't do much non sport but those Star Wars are nice

  8. Stopped by to say hi, been a crap day, slept about 4 hours.

    May the Force be with you!

  9. Gold on the Goldschmidt card looks very nice!

  10. Maybe everyone was busy watching the All-Star Game lolololol!!

    1. That was the day before. Maybe they recorded it, lol.

  11. My viewership on cards over coffee has been awful recently. But I haven’t posted either but even my last few posts on there have been bad. 20 something views a day on coffee blog isn’t very motivating to keep
    Going with that one. Good thing Christmas is coming soon…..

    Love the look of these Star Wars cards!


  12. Great Star Wars! I also enjoyed those old 90s sets. The ones from the Disney trilogy were so disappointing

  13. Tribute base cards always look nice, but seems like they never get any love since it's a product that is about high end hits.

    1. I watched 2 boxes of the just released 23' Tribute get busted Wed. in Ormond. I got half the base cards...

  14. Star Wars Galaxy was a cool product. Didn't open any back in the 90's, but I love stumbling across them here and there.

  15. Cool Star Wars cards.

    Princess Leia wins this round.

  16. Maybe some folks thought you had stopped doing the giveaways? Or it was just a fluke day where people were doing things other than reading blog posts. Certainly looks like they caught up after the fact.
