Tuesday, July 25, 2023

Finally...... My Braves additions

 Finally we get to my Braves cards I grabbed in Jacksonville at the show earlier this month. I combined all of the BRAVES buys from the show into 1 post.

The winner last night was: Jeremy

The Braves.

A way over due update on that 1989 Baseball Talks machine. My nephew got it working, but the wires are so small that it was a pain. Now for an interesting twist it would only play clear when you turned it upside down. Why am I now mentioning it? Well I had forgotten to post it and last night I was moving it to a new location and I dropped it. It no work again. I don't have the heart to tell my nephew, so I will be looking for another one. He also bought me 6 new "sets" 4 card packs of the cards. 

Most of these came from the "new guy" (The Michael Harris relic card came from Fred he won it on Ebay for $2.00.  I really need to get the new guys name. The August show is coming up soon, and I plan on spending most of the day (at least half of the day) in that dude's team boxes. The other half will be hanging with Fred and Chuck. I also went over to Ormond a couple of weeks ago. I was supposed to meet up with Fred as he has (at no cost to me) 6 of the original 1977-78 Star Wars space ships. I don't know what else to call them. I was about half way when I got a text from Fred saying he would have to go the next day instead. I was half way so I went on. I'll get my toys in a couple of weeks at the Jax. show. But let me tell ya now.... I have a full week of posts from Ormond again and a heck of a story to tell!


  1. Say what you will about Donuss's past and future release, but I'm digging the photo they used for Eddie Matthew!

    1. Eddie has two cards in the base set. The other is a DK.

  2. I never could do Garbage Pail Kids, but I suppose there are probably some Angels cards of them.

  3. I was enjoying the shiny cards when I ran into the Garbage Pail Kids. I realized they were take offs on Braves players. Cool idea! I'm looking forward to your Paul Harvey rest of the story.

  4. Those Donruss designs are almost making me want to buy a blaster online.

  5. Braves, meh ... but I was happy when I pulled that Then & Now Darrell Evans card. Now that Heritage is in the '70s, inserts like that are super-desirable.

  6. Agree w/ Matt, that's a cool picture of Eddie Matthew's, and, heck, who doesn't love some Warren Spahn cards.

    Good Job!👍

  7. I was not expecting to see GPKs in here, but they fit. Kolby Allard is a blast from the past, one of those pitchers I remember hearing about as a prospect but rarely since. I had no idea he was back with the Braves.

  8. Your cards arrived today! The P.O. just sat on them for an extra day for some reason. They are really great, thank you!

  9. We're assuming your nephew doesn't read the blog? Hope to see those Star Wars ships when you get them!

    1. Please, please, please... show off those ships!

  10. Sorry to hear about your Topps Talk player. A few weeks ago, I saw one at Goodwill (just the player, no packaging, card, or batteries). Not sure if it worked. I'm in the process of donating stuff. The next time I do a drop off I'll check to see if they still have it.
