Thursday, May 4, 2023

POTENTIAL future PC guys.....

 The winner last night was: Diamond Jesters.

I guess I should have planned better for those Star Wars cards I posted recently, oh well. May the $th be with you anyways.

Now on to my possible future PC guys.....maybe. Some probably no more than prospecting and that is 1 in a thousand these days.

Franco is a good bet..... for now anyway.

J-Rod too for that matter.

One of these days will get to see him perform in the BIGS.

Torkelson has worked out thus far.

Okay, now I have two post of odd balls left from the March Jacksonville card show. I may squeeze them together tomorrow night. Then I can be done with that show. Besides, I found a OMG box behind my laptop underneath it really but I had forgotten about it for many many months now. Put it this way, I got these while still in GA, and I hadn't posted this box yet. So yeah I need to get it done. 


  1. Some pretty fun stuff here. The one that seems out of place in a prospect post is Muncy, since he's 33 years old. But he's hot right now!

  2. Oh man, the LAST thing I need is another PC! I hope at least one of those guys works out for you.

  3. Long gone are the days where I can adequately follow which players are doing well other those on the Yankees. I do miss that.

  4. Hey I won! It's been awhile! As a Sox fan, I'm hoping Duran can keep things going and be our center fielder for the next few years! He's fun to watch.

  5. You don’t need that Franco guy. He’s a bum and I’ll take them all off of your hands lol.
    I would be ok if Dominguez doesn’t make the Bigs, or at least hits like Mario Mendoza for the Bankee$ for a decade or so.

  6. Genuine question because I have trouble with it for two of my players. But when you PC a player that is really popular, how do you manage to get anything other than base cards with all the collectors competing for those cards? And at what cost?

    1. I paid a dime a piece for all of these PC and the potential guys. I buy in bulk a lot, by the monster box. These were all sitting in dollar boxes, that I got for a dime a piece. Those people you are talking about aren't usually digging through boxes, they are are looking in the cases. I don't seek out PC guys, just my Braves. The rest I get through buying the boxes.

    2. Gotcha, makes sense. I have to remember that everyone collects differently and my way is to obsessively collect my players and themes and other fun cards related to my teams

  7. Fun stuff...I really like that Topps 91 Torkelson throwback. Looking forward to Topps 2026 flagship and the inevitable 1991 35th anniversary insert.

  8. I really like the 2019 Heritage Hiura. It's the only set I have ever tried to build. I'm down to needing most of the SP's and inserts. The first cards I ever bought were 1970 Topps as a 7 year old. No chance of putting that set together so 2019 Heritage is a logical choice.

  9. I think you already have more Jasson Dominguez cards than I do!

  10. Getting to the era where I don't have a lot of the new hot stars... since I didn't get my hands on blasters during the pandemic and my flea market connection didn't have access to affordable Bowman. But some fellow bloggers have sent me some Seiyas for my Japanese PC.
