Monday, May 29, 2023

Masonic Monday

 The winner Friday was: Night Owl. (think I'll send him some Yankees) :) just kidding.

Now moving on.... this is the last of the cowboys. 

Next week will be getting into more Patriotic....ish articles. They should run for June and July. Then back BASEBALL players!

Lastly, and most certainly the most important thing today. God bless those who gave their lives so that we can do what we love to do, and bless their families too!


  1. Never heard of him. Seems like he had a nice career though.

  2. Hope ya'll are enjoying this beautiful day!

  3. I hope my daughter writes a book about me someday. Nobody else would!

  4. Happy Memorial Day to my American friends

  5. Looks like you finished rounding up the cowboys ;)


  6. Always looking for someone to (dump) trade Yankees to. But don’t do Night Owl bad like that. He’s one of the good guys.

  7. Thank you for this information on a very talented entertainer. Thank you to those who served our country and passed on before us. May God bless those they left behind.

  8. Haven't heard of this guy either. I sometimes envy the Hollywood stars of yesteryear. They appear likeable and wholesome, and if ther was a issue it would be revealed long past their prime time in the business.

  9. I enjoyed this run of old cowboy stars :)
