Friday, May 12, 2023

March Tampa dime cards..... and plenty of them

 The winner last night was Tom for a back to backer. 

I went to a card shop in nearby Gainesville on Tuesday and today I went to a card shop in Leesburg. Tomorrow I am heading to a card show in Clearwater and Sunday to the flea market (Reninger's) in Mt. Dora. 

Here are the Tampa show dime cards which wraps up that show.

Nope, I'm not hoarding this guy.

Alrighty then. I believe I can get to the April stuff now, but before I do that I need to take care of some other incoming. Expect that on Tuesday.


  1. What's the deal with the " It came to the league cards"? The unleashed card is fun

  2. 2 shows and 2 shops in four days. You are living your best life!

    1. and dinner with my daughter and grandson tomorrow night as well. Yep. It is so good to be back home! At some point I will have to slow down though.

  3. Wow. Was that a Harper RC for a dime? And love the McGwire Unleashed.

    1. I don't remember if that was a Harper RC or not. It maybe some reprint thing.

  4. Nice.. 2 Gavin sightings (including "Fresh Sheets" in the 1st pic, lol).

  5. Ya'll have a terrific weekend!

  6. I spotted a Topps Holiday Alonso rookie in there as well as a Chrome Franco rookie! Those are some nice cards for a dime.

  7. Nice dime cards including some TWINS!

  8. Wow, those are some fantastic dime finds! Can't wait to see what you bring home from the next card show.

  9. Those green and red foil 2022 Topps look cool!

  10. In regards to the Padres, Gwynn is in a league of his own (in my humble opinion). But it is cool to see Tatis and Soto right next to him among those shiny 1988 Topps inserts.

  11. Good stuff there. I really like the Alonso holiday card.
