Thursday, May 18, 2023

I feel like caca! Don't forget to get your popcorn.... again.

 The winner last night was: Laurens. I will need your address and favorite baseball team. 

I won't be mailing cards out for a few days at least not until I am better. So I'm not messing with my cards until then. I really hate snot, but enough of the TMI.

Y'all may recognize those as they are no longer in my collection.

Tonight is a very scan heavy post (as they all will be for weeks to come). AS per my usual I start the Jax. card show off at my buddy Fred's tables. EVerything tonight came from his tables. 

No keepers for me, but these cards cost me about a penny. No way will I leave Mother's Cookies in a box that cheap.

There were some extra though that most certainly are keepers.

Yeah penny autos, I'll keep them.

Different year. Now let's change teams.

Different year again. Davis is a keeper as is Bob Miller.

Some more penny cards.

That is it for the penny cards.

Right off the bat Fred gave me this stack of Gold Label  Braves said no charge. Just when you didn't think you get better than a penny.

I picked this up for like $10.00 total. Fred is always good to me.


  1. I don't think that I've ever seen a Mothers Cookie card that was actually signed!

  2. That looks like a left handed Dravecky auto. Very cool.

  3. Lots of good stuff in there. Hope you've got some chicken soup. Feel better soon!

  4. That was a good pickup on the Dravecky! That was a left handed autograph from before he got diagnosed with cancer and had to have his left arm amputated.

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. Whoa, look at those old Padres jerseys, so many of them!

  7. As good as the Aaron and Dravecky auto are, my favorite is the Kevin McReynolds auto. He was a favorite of mine early on.

  8. Sorry you are feeling terrible. I hope you get better soon. Nice cards, especially the autos.

  9. I tried to send you my address through the comments, though I didn't mean for it to be published. I was wondering if you had an e-mail. Thanks!

  10. Don't think I've seen a signed Mother's Cookie card either, nice stuff!

  11. Never seen the little autograph line on the back actually used...and also never seen a Mothers Cookie in real life!

  12. I really want to meet Fred. He sounds like a great guy.

  13. Mother's Cookies cards are awesome! I attended several A's and Giants games when they handed them out... including those 1986 cards in this post.

    P.S. Those penny signatures are sweet! Kevin McReynolds doesn't have a lot of certified autos.

  14. Mothers Cookies! Always nice to see those. I love the years when they used the team logotypes on the front. Very cool to have the lefty Dravecky auto. I'm no Eric Show fan but him dying so young means there's no way that should've been in a penny box too.

    I've been getting my duplicates signed and every player except one (Doug Gwosdz) has signed on the front. Which I think looks better. But there’s definitely something fun about having that autograph line used too.
