Monday, February 19, 2024

Happy President's Day: Post 7 of the day: Misc. everybody TRUE HODGE PODGE and a lot of COOL items, look n see

 This one is just a hodge podge of everything else that hasn't been covered tonight. The first though is a partial set. The last post of the night will be the JFK set. Really cool vintage cards even for this conservative. But the items in this post just get better the further down you go.

There's that same image of Jimmy.

Are you ready for this?

Those are photos of the President taken by my Uncle Fred at the Lily Bowl in Bermuda. The President took the "Yacht" over and when returned to the States decommissioned it. Fred had the opportunity to go onto the yacht with one of the secret service agent, but declined. The Agents were bunking with Fred and the other "civil servants" serving on the Naval base there. I have about a dozen more photos he took at the game, but these are the only ones with the Prez in them.

Whew, one more the JFK set.


  1. These are fun posts. The Nixon campaign produced so much "stuff" especially in '72, so there's a ton out there cheap. I have a poster like that one from a campaign stop in Ohio.

  2. Whoa. Some very unique items in your collection. Those photos your uncle took are especially cool.

  3. I'm a bit late, and even though I'm only commenting on this one, I did want to mention that I'm just about through with this series (looks like there's one more post to go). I can't even imagine trying to get all of these out in one night. At best, I'd try to just do a post featuring a card of each president from a different set. Those photos from your uncle are really neat. They're also just a nice memento to have.
