Tuesday, October 10, 2023

Last of that first trip to Ormond last month.

 Glad to finally have made it to clear out the scans from this visit. Looking forward to posting the trade night stuff from a couple of Saturday's ago.

The newly released Cosmic Chrome. Some of these (maybe not the ones in the post) but some none the less have made their way to NY. 

All from the dime box that didn't cost me anything. Including the Braves autograph!

These I believe were in the $5.00 box, but again. I bought the box of Donruss and everything else was free.

These came out of the dollar boxes but free.

From the $5 boxes.

Dollar boxes.

Pretty sure the Freddie relic was in with the $5.00 cards the rest I'm sure were in the dollar boxes.

All right. the next cards from Ormond will be from the Saturday night trade/break night.


  1. Still haven't see a Cosmic Chrome in hand. They look fun.

  2. Nice. I managed to grab a good lot of those WBC cards which included an Acuña that made my eldest very happy. Also, while Cosmic Chrome is definitely not my thing as a set, I kind of like it as an insert sort of design.

  3. Cosmic Chrome is really neat looking. I also like the looks of the '53 Chrome Red Swanson.

  4. Yup, just got done recording all the needs on tcdb tonight. Good thing I'm on vaca!

  5. Those Cosmic Chromes look fun! I will have to chase some down on TCDB.

  6. Those Cosmic Chromes are a fun design.
