Wednesday, January 3, 2024

Digging in.

 I am starting to get a little more into the 100K (that was actually 75-80K) cards from last month. I have to start somewhere because the mess I made last month is still being "straightened" up. 

The cards below are from the 43 cards that I plucked from Kyle's $5.00 (and 2 $10's).

I looked up each one to see if the $2.00 I paid per card on this portion was a good or bad deal.

Gonsolin Beckett didn't list a price for it, the mini Carroll is $4-10, the Father's Day Devers I've already put in my Holidates binder. I told you I made a mess of things. 

Jeter .75-$2, bad deal on that card. Gunnar $4-10, Druw $1-2.50 another bad deal.

Holliday $5-12, Buehler $3-8, Adley $6-15.

Ohtani $8-20, I already put Elly in the set build, and the Bryant VARIATION has no pricing YET. That is my first and only so far of this year's Holiday variations.

The Jeter was another bust, and not sure where I put the Collier,  the Seager falls between $5-12.00.

Adley $4-10, Adley again $6-15, and Carroll $4-10.

I couldn't find pricing on the Hobby Rip night cards.

I put Tebow and the Elly away already. The Iconic Gunnar $5-12.00

The next Elly #3-8, Holliday $3-8, Gwynn $1-4.

RJ inverted variation no price, I put Monte in the birthday cards, and Freddie 2.50-6.

 I did manage to grab some Braves in that batch too (of course I did).

The Maddux, like the Gwynn, and Jeters were busts too. Sometimes you have to take the pigs with the pearls. No that I am calling those guys pigs.....I am not. But paying $2.00 each for them was not good. I thought they would have priced out higher. All in all I did fairly well. 

Fair warning you will see some of these Braves again (part of that mess I made). I apologize in advance. Upcoming will be a couple of posts of cards from the bulk of the lot and then a couple of posts from the dollar boxes. Remember 2500 cards came from those dollar boxes. Right now that is all that I have scanned up from the roughly 80,000 cards. No, I haven't found that card I am looking for yet. I do have 4 stacks of cards that I wanted to scan waiting and (staring at me). I have a busy weekend so not sure if I will get to those or not.



  1. Fun stuff to go through! I love the Fleer Prospects Jeter. That's one I've been meaning to buy at some point. Perhaps I'll do that after seeing this!

  2. I like the "take the pigs with the pearls" saying. Never heard that before... but I might use that with my students. As much as I pride myself on being a bargain shopper... there are always cards here and there where I overpay. I'm sure there are collectors who sit there and look up every card on the spot at a show, but I don't have the time for that. The only time I do look up stuff is when I'm going to make a big purchase (like $10 or more for a single... which isn't often).

    1. I wish that I had on the 2 $10.00 cards, because they were both busts. lol.

  3. I like that Father's Day Devers card, I'll have to keep an eye out for one...

  4. I use eBay recently sold as my go-to for prices. The "pigs" are all 1990s guys, production numbers were still high enough and it was long enough that most of the people who want those cards have them by now. However in 10-15 years 90% of the current guys will be worth pennies on the dollar when they don't live up to the hype.

  5. I look up the values of cards when I am considering selling one. The hard part is some of my cards are too new for the references I have to look them up with. I think a PC value should be what you think they are worth to you. If you ever decide to sell them, then you need to research the value. Until then they are worth whatever you think they are worth. Nice cards above. I wonder how many packs were ripped to get one of those rare ones?

    1. I couldn't agree more. I don't think anyone should be able to put a value on something you own but yourself. Now if in fact you are selling or plan to sell it the valuation is obviously skewed differently. A card is only worth what someone is willing to pay for it. I use ComC to double check what I can actually buy a card for (and they are usually higher than most other online sites). SportLots is a good one too but you have to figure shipping at some point (I only use the sellers with free shipping to your box). Then I pay a shipping for everything once I request shipment.

  6. Not sure what fair value on the Hobby Rip cards are, but I did see a few in Vegas being sold for $3 to $4, and nabbed them anyway as I hadn't seen them in any other hobby shop I had been in.

  7. I'd probably have to give up collecting if I ever had 100,000 cards in front of me that needed to be sorted. You're clearly a much more dedicated card collector than I.
