Wednesday, September 20, 2023

Let's do a grab bag!

 I scanned up the first bag that I opened and here it is. For those that may not know what these are they are grab bags from the Fall Villages card show that I attended at the beginning of this month (in lieu of going to Jax). 

A reminder that I bough 19 (thought it was just 17 bags) and ultimately paid .67 per bag.

Technically this was not the real first one that I opened initially. It is the first one I grabbed when I decided to scan a bag. As you can see all refractors, inserts, parallels, and some higher priced sets to boot.

This is funny. See that Choo camo card? No doubt that I put it in a stack for Mark already, and just last night as I was going through trade boxes literally moments like 5 minutes before I typed up this post pulled one out of there and put into his stack.

Okay Mookie isn't a parallel, refractor, or insert but it is Mookie!

50 cards for .67 all but 1 insert, parallel, or refractor which is technically a parallel.

Definitely good grab bags. Just think you get 18 more as time goes by. Now not all of them are all inserts etc.... In fact the actual first 3 I opened were all 2023 Heritage that had only recently been released. Why I am telling you this you'll see eventually.


  1. What a deal! I would definitely buy a few of those myself if I was ever given the chance. Very nice variety.

  2. Your ability to get so many good cards for mere pennies is always impressive!

  3. I like those Legends in the Making cards. Prince Fielder and Salvador Perez as well.
    Good deal.

  4. Grab bags are so cool. The red Reddick is nice and the Bettses of course. So much 2017 Topps Chrome!

  5. That is a nice shiny grab bag!

  6. I sense a theme with those Prizm cards haha...awesome pickups!

  7. Those chromes look great together

  8. Even at $5 a bag... they'd be some awesome dime box cards. 67¢ is insane. I've seen a handful of penny boxes over the years... but they are usually loaded with commons from the Junk Wax Era. Great purchase.

  9. I don't think the contents of these bags would be for me, but the price seems really good for the amount of cards that you're getting.
