Saturday, June 27, 2020

Did you realize? and July BFG sign up

Did any of you realize that there was NOT a BFG yesterday? It was Friday. The fourth Friday of June, but we had not one person/player signed up. Well, July had 5 (five) Friday's. So we need 25 different players for the month. In case you're new to the blog or the game. Must be a follower, can only play once each month. So let's get 25 players signed up today!

Be safe, be wise, be nice.


  1. Yes I noticed. I like watching the game unfold even when I'm not in it. I'm in as usual - thanks!

  2. Always happy to play James and the Giant P, er, Charlie and the Choco, um, I mean, the BFG!

  3. Replies
    1. You and the 4 above play the first Friday July 3rd 7pm

  4. Replies
    1. You are player 1 on week 2. June 10th 7pm (EST)

    2. Understood. I'll be putting up Post-It notes on my monitor and TV to remind me. They worked like a charm last time.

  5. I'm in for July and yes I noticed......

  6. I'll join and remember this time *d'oh!*

  7. Replies
    1. Which Matt is this? and this closes out week 2.

      Just need 15 more players for the month.

    2. This is Matt from Diamond Jesters.
