Wednesday, September 4, 2024

The Card Farm: Vertical Player Collection guys.

 Time for round two of the PC guys from the farm. In other collecting/hobby news I have actually pulled the Letter "A" players from all of those PC boxes sitting on my pool table. I have 25 players (under the A) listed in my excel sheets and you can add about 5 more to that. The "A's" are one of the easy ones. I've sorted the players already and only half are going to make into binders at this time. The other half will be updated in my excel sheets and on TCDB, but will be boxed. Hey that is progress, more than I've done in over 4 years now. I actually have inputted a couple already into TCDB. I'm working on Alonso right now and have a couple hundred more cards to get entered into both systems.

Yep, not bad for .07 a piece. That is how I roll :)

Should finish up tomorrow with the last cards from The Crad Farm and those are for set builds which normally wouldn't be scanned, but I had to....You'll see.


  1. That Ted Williams floating in the sky is pretty cool. Never seen that set before.

  2. I like the Stars cards on the top page. I have always liked the Quad cards even though they are pretty plain. Looking forward to the next post and what it has to offer.
