Thursday, September 26, 2024

Hurricane Helene and Tampa card show Justin part 2

 For those inquiring minds concerned about where I am in regards to Helene. Well.... Ocala (Marion county) is in the NE quadrant, not a good place to be with a tropical storm because of potential tornadoes. Sustained winds expected 50mph, that isn't too unusual here in the summer (daily in summer 40 mph), now the gusts will be 75 mph Hurricane force winds so fingers crossed (and certainly prayers as I have been doing that for a couple of days already) for no damage and we don't lose power either. Other than that we should be good. Now let's get to the next round of cards from Justin in Tampa.

I classified the cards from Justin as two deals even though they were combined into one deal. I showed you the Olympic cards already which were part of the 2nd deal. 

It's been a month since I bought these so my memory isn't clear on the cost breakdown, but I want to say it was .07 a piece. Again memory has faded. 

I'll close out the Justin Tampa cards tomorrow (providing I have power and internet).

The following day I went to Hudson for a show and the only purchase was from Justin again and it was enough cards to be spread over 5 or 6 posts. Some great stuff in there.

My thoughts and prayers go out to everyone in the path of Helene.... Be safe, be prepared!

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