Tuesday, April 9, 2024

Jacksonville April 2024 card show: Part one. Whoa is me!

 Last Saturday I went to Jax even though I didn't get any sleep the night before and my back was less than par. After missing February and skipping out on the Villages I went on. I only stayed for 3 hours instead of the entire 6 hours. I made a handful of smaller purchases. I'll take them one at a time. The last purchase will be spread over multiple posts not because of the size (100 cards), but due to the fact that they are NOT sports cards and it will take that many posts to properly display them.

Okay I stopped first by my buddy Fred, scooped up some Braves and something not Braves and NOT for me.

I actually grabbed two of the #1 Acuna cards (needed 1 for the set build too). Then you have 5 of the Easter parallels, and two rainbow foil parallels.

Some Braves inserts and you can see the doubled up Riley I posted last night. Then you have 2024 Tribute.  Successful small purchases with only the 1 boo boo on Riley.

I also grabbed this jumbo Ohtani card that Fred had. It came from one of those Super boxes at Walmart and Targets. You know they have a pin, 8 packs, etc. I collect Ohtani so why not. This card is for me.....a keeper. Not what I eluded to in the start of this post. No that "item" is down below.

This item is NOT for me albeit that may very well be a PC guy on the album cover, lol.

Fred played side 1 and crystal clear. Now, how do I ship this thing safely?

I have another quick post from a vintage buy from Chuck, should be tomorrow. 


  1. I want to know if Fred had a record player right there to play it with.

  2. Easter parallels look nice. Maybe better in person.

    1. there are lots of different Easter parallels too. bunnys baskets, etc.

  3. Um, I do have a working record player.

    1. There are record mailing boxes available. Local record store guys here suggest taking the record out of the sleeve when mailing since otherwise it can slice through the edges.

  4. Oh wow that All Topps Team card is a nice one I'll have to keep an eye out for.

  5. That record is really cool. If you search Google they show you different ways/techniques to ship.

    P.S. Hope your back feels better.

  6. An ailing back and a night of no sleep would've prevented me from going. Health is more important than cards.
