Thursday, July 21, 2022

Gifts from Gavin & Kyle

 Just a quickie tonight. 

These four came courtesy of Gavin. He had previously sent me the Acuna, but I have commented a few times about needing another one for the PC. I now have #'s 3, 5, 6, Yes I want the rest times 2 plus another Posey and Bo. Bubble gum binder and PC guys.  :)   Thank Gavin.

These sweet 67's came courtesy of Kyle from Nolan's Dugout. Remember him? Kyle recently joined OCT and he quickly sent me cards... So I had to lay down the bomb. (I sent him him 16 PWE's).

Have a great weekend.


  1. That Bubble Gum Baseball set looks fun.

    I have Felipe and Moises, but no Jesus or Matty.

  2. Glad you like, John! And good to know that if I'm short on Braves you may need when I owe you cards that I can just print off some bubble gum customs for ya! :)

  3. Another cool set of customs by Gavin. Love the Bo!

  4. 16 PWE's seems like a bit much.

    1. as a return for the 4 67's it was, but it was a "welcome to the club" bomb too.

  5. Interesting glasses Veale's wearing
