Sunday, August 25, 2024

The last Jacksonville card show

 I probably mentioned this in recent weeks, but in case I didn't and to update the latest news on the monthly Jax card show I do now.

Next month the first Saturday falls on the 7th, and the quarterly card show in the Villages is going on, and that is where I plan to go. Meanwhile, the Sept. 7th show in Jax, was cancelled Friday. No biggie to me as I wasn't going, not to mention I had not been going up there anyway. maybe 3 times this year. Apparently the host (Frank Jax sports cards) had an issue. They had been there 15 years (Holiday Inn). Now they will be at a different Holiday Inn (the one they were at before 15 years ago), starting in October. I'll probably make one more trip up there this year just to check out the new digs. 

I did hit up Tampa this past Saturday, and then onto Hudson (a dud for the most part) on Sunday. The dealers said both days were basically dead. They were not happy. Typically that would be a good sign for a "buyer like me". I'll give y'all all the details of this weekend after I finish up what I already have in the scans, it will be a couple of weeks.

Now, let's cover the basis from my last trip. I posted the Autism set already. That was 1 purchase. I made several deals including two separate deals with Chuck. I made a deal with Mike (from Ormond), a deal with Jason (largest quantity of the day), a deal with the guy from Gainesville (CardFarm) (best deal of the day), a deal with Daryl, and finally a few free cards from Fred. There is going to be a lot of posts here. 

Tonight we will hit up the handful of Braves from Mike's dollar boxes. (he gets to the good Braves at Kyle's shop before anyone else sees them).

Mike charges me fifty cents on the cards in his dollar boxes versus the the 3 for a buck I get at Kyle's shop. But, hey I'll always find Braves needs in his boxes. I even picked up some dupes on purpose. 

Lots of various parallels and refractors.

On the rare occurrence a few from days gone by.

There ya go, a nice short one to kick start the week.


  1. That Chipper Stadium Club was a hot card back in the day.

  2. Hope everything in JAX is OK, Frank was always good to me when I lived there.

  3. Hot dogs as a background crack me up. Makes more sense than the cute bunnies on baseball cards at least!

  4. I miss hotel card shows. Back in the 90's... they were pretty popular around here. These days they tend to be in malls and convention centers in the area.
