Tuesday, August 13, 2024

Kyle's card shop Part 1: Fancy cards included.

 About two weeks ago maybe three by now I went over to Ormond. I separated the stuff into a four categories and will post as such.

This first round came from what I call Kyle's pricier cards. Some are a good deal and some not so much. Most of the cards (all but 2) came from the labeled 2 for $5.00 boxes and several from the $5/10 boxes. In the end Kyle gives me a pretty good deal on everything.

Yes these are Braves for the first two scans anyway.

The Greg Maddux auto (horrible signature) was the biggest purchase of the day, and the Chipper insert was the next priciest card. All new to me Braves except for 1 or 2 turned out to be dupes. Now for non Braves.

I scanned the back of that Ripken card. I had not seen it before. Similar yes, but not that one. One thing that I did recognize about the card was on the back.

Yeah, no idea why Pinnacle put that 1 of 1 on the card, it is NOT a 1/1. I have seen this before with other cards that I have and knew right away it wasn't. Still a cool card front and back.

Tomorrow night you'll get some BIG cards too.

Have a great night, be safe!


  1. Very shiny and colorful. Have a great one!

  2. Pretty sure that 1 of 1 means it's a single card set. I seem to recall a decent number of inserts being numbered out of the total number of cards on the CL back then.

  3. Great pickup with the Maddux auto!

  4. Casually dropping a Maddux auto in the scans! Love that Jasson Dominguez too! Very cool design.

  5. That Ripken card is all over the blogs this week. Did you see Stuart's blog on it? https://sr75cards.blogspot.com/2024/08/international-flair-for-game.html

  6. A. That Chipper Gallery of Heroes insert is awesome! It's a nice reminder that there was a time when Topps created some really attractive inserts.

    B. If I hadn't seen numerous Maddux signatures before this post, I would have thought that someone else accidentally signed that card. His signature looks nothing like Greg Maddux.

    C. Nice Ripken 1 of 1 :D

  7. Nice additions.
    Though the Maddux auto looks a little odd, still a great pickup!

  8. The Chipper GOH is really nice.
