Friday, August 9, 2024

Holiday Variations: lots of them

 Wrapping up the most recent COMC arrival with a slew or should I say sleigh of Topps Holiday image variations.

There are SP's, Rare's, and even Super Rare cards. I won't be specifying them. I showed my Braves team hits yesterday, but there might be 1 or 2 in this batch for the set builds.

From garland to snowballs and belts and socks.

Santa to candy cane bats and mittens, skates, presents too!

This batch adds in sleeves and necklaces.

Gloves both kinds new here.

Just some new shoes/cleats and wrist bands here.

4 belts there.

4 Santa hats in this scan and a peek at a 2n1 variation.

More Santa hats but the snow and ice are new especially these two 2n1's.

Finishing up with 8 of these 9 are necklaces. Special note there were supposed to be two others, but they were listed wrong and base cards came instead of variations.

In case you are sitting on a bunch of these and don't know what to do with them, lol. My list of needs are under set builds, then misc. They are at the bottom of that page. Hey, if it isn't a need.... it could be a PC guy.

Next week I'll be covering the trip to Ormond which I did 2 weeks ago and came home and while sorting that haul the COMC package arrived that we viewed this week.

Have a great weekend!


  1. Maybe it's just me getting worn out by the Christmas variations, but the Santa belt ones seem pretty lame.

  2. I like these. I have a few of them in my collection. Enjoy the weekend!

  3. As a Christmas collector, I am happy seeing this

  4. Mixed emotions on these parallels. I like the obvious ones like the Santa hats and candy cane bats, but not really a fan of the belts or skates.

    1. I like the ones with snow and snow balls even the Santa in the stands. Presents aren't bad either. But yeah the belts is "old news" anymore. I feel the same way about the hats too, sorry.
