Thursday, August 22, 2024

It is Friday: How about a quickie? Courtesy of the Autism Foundation via Leaf.

 Just kickstarting the Jacksonville card show purchases. I made basically 8 purchases, 2 from one vendor a few hours apart (Chuck). I plan on heading to two cities and two card show this weekend, so hence the quickie. I will go with the not the smallest purchased, but close....well technically it was the smallest as the smallest didn't cost me anything and that was from Fred and was the fewest cards and obviously the lowest cost. Love Free.

Anyways let's get to some cards most of you probably haven't seen or even aware of. I know that I wasn't. Stopped me in my tracks. I got these from one of the other regular vendors.

Initially, I was just going to buy the baseball cards, but deal made for the set.

Obviously I am keeping the 4 baseball players with Acuna going into the Braves binders. I can keep the ladies too. That leaves the rest certainly up for trade. LMK if interested in any or all of those. Have a great weekend wish me luck at the two shows.


  1. Really neat cards considering I have a number of people on the Spectrum in my family. I had no idea these cards existed. Have a great and safe weekend!

  2. My goodness. What a great set for a great cause.

  3. I would be interested in all football!! Would have been in Griffey to lol.

    I certainly have some Braves to send back and I to have family members on the spectrum

  4. These are awesome! Autism awareness is so important. Kudos to Leaf for producing this set.
