Monday, August 5, 2024

Blogoversary! Hurricane Debby

 Today is the 11th year celebration of this blog. Wow! I started to consider writing a post similar to that very first post..... NO PICS! I didn't know how to upload them. I have certainly uploaded thousands of scans since then. 

I will keep this celebratory post very short. I have decided to honor the day with a giveaway. Rules same as always: Be a US resident, follow this blog, and comment (once) on this post. I will leave it open until the end of the week and then randomize the entrants 11x to get a winner. Not sure what the prize will be, but I'll get there, lol. (I GRABBED SOME COOL STUFF TO GIVE AWAY IN JAX). I didn't go to St. Pete on Sunday (not a wise idea to head south to a Gulf Coast Beach area when there is a hurricane brewing out there). Debby done it! No she didn't. All is well (other than wet) here at the home front. 

Now for a couple of scans. Here is one of my recent Ebay wins.

An intact Burger Chef funmeal (never folded box/tray). Nine Braves. Mini discs with cartoons on the back. I waited to post this Ebay win so that I could follow it up with some of my recent COMC gets which just so happens to contain the single discs from the set. You can see those backs then.


  1. Congrats on 11 years. Sorry you missed the St. Pete show, but glad you came out ok.

  2. Congrats! 11 years is a long time to blog. Stay dry!

  3. Wooo, double digits! I've got the Dodgers one of those -- I did a double-take when I saw Messersmith.

  4. It sure would take a lot of burgers to complete the set.

    Congrats on the blogoversary!

  5. Way to go, keep up the great work. Always thought those Burger Chef trays were cool.

  6. Stay safe! Also, Happy blogversary!

  7. Keep safe, even if it's just wet. Congrats on 11!

  8. Thanks for 11 years of your trading spot. Here's to many more!

  9. Happy 11th Blogooversary to you! Well done!

    I'm also to hear you're safe and sound.

  10. Happy anniversary. Keep posting. I remember getting a complete set of those Burger Chef panels back in the seventies from an ad in SCD for like $10. Still have them in my big stuff box.

  11. Congrats on 11 years! Here's to the next 11!

  12. Happy anniversary! Glad to hear you're safe. That Burger Chef tray is super cool.

  13. Happy 11th, John!

    P.S. I'm not in need of much at the moment, so you can leave me out of the contest.

  14. Looked like a lot of rain! Congrats on the anniversary!

  15. Congratulations on your 11 years. We have had our share of rain here in Central Minnesota. Lots of very soggy areas. Catching up on some reading tonight with the Olympics on in the background.

  16. Congrats on 11 years! It's blogs like yours that rekindled my interest in the hobby. So thanks for all your writing!

    Seeing as you've already drawn the prize and I'm not in the US, past me will sit this one out!
