Friday, August 30, 2024

Free card From Fred Friday

 Just a super quick post tonight. At the show a few weeks ago in jax, Fred gave me a few free cards.

Short enough? Have a great weekend, next week will be jammed packed. Still have at least two weeks weeks maybe more of the cards from the Jax show.

Tuesday, August 27, 2024

The 2nd POST with vintage cards from Chuck. Notice the capitalization of "that" word?

 Here is the bulk of what I pulled out of Chucks cheap boxes. POST cards.

I definitely didn't need that Andre Rodgers card as I have both versions of it twice already, but hey.

Alright that wraps up (what I scanned) from Chuck, both deals. Moving on tomorrow to another purchase.

Let's liven things up a bit. The first deal from Chuck. Vintage needs. A big one too.

 A few weeks ago up in Jax, I hit up Chuck (always great condition vintage including stars). I made a point to get a big need this trip.

The Willie Mays was the big one, not to take away from the Yaz (which was an upgrade), Garvey and Pops. I actually grabbed another Garvey and Stargell in my second deal with Chuck, just in lesser condition. Any guesses what these 5 cards cost me?

I am going to show a portion of the 2nd deal from Chuck to balance out this post. The rest make up a post all on their own. The 2nd deal all came from Chucks dollar boxes (paid .75 each) or the majority came from the .50 boxes and I paid a quarter a piece for those. I did not make the distinction in the scans. 

Not sure why I didn't scan the other Garvey. Now for a bit of trivia (and frustration). TCDB does not recognize the brown back 1979 Hostess Porter. According to their "board", There wasn't any brown backs in 1979, but here you see it and they said it must have been a cancelled test that got out (BS) or the printer messed up. Either way that by definition is an error or variant. Your thoughts? 

Okay, definitely got some vintage from Chuck. Remember these last few scans (all but the first one) came from deal #2 which goes with the next post.

Drawing back to the start of this post regarding the 1970 Topps set: I need quite a few high numbers. Nothing less than EX in condition. Unless it is one of the big ones left, and I'll have to deal with those when I see them.

1971 TOPPS331, 400, 407, 449, 461, 469, 485, 527, 537, 543, 546, 549, 557, 559, 570, 572, 573, 574, 578, 603, 605, 606, 625, 630, 640, 642, 658, 661, 664, 665, 672, 688, 692, 698, 700, 709, 714, 715, 722, 727, 733, 737, 740, 744, 751

The majority of my 71' set is EX-NM, nice for the most part. No writing, no creasing, decent corners, and centering. A few stars are more like the Mays up top and the Stargell. I don't need to upgrade those I am fine for the most part. I do have a short list of upgrade to NM listed on my website under the needs list.

Sunday, August 25, 2024

The last Jacksonville card show

 I probably mentioned this in recent weeks, but in case I didn't and to update the latest news on the monthly Jax card show I do now.

Next month the first Saturday falls on the 7th, and the quarterly card show in the Villages is going on, and that is where I plan to go. Meanwhile, the Sept. 7th show in Jax, was cancelled Friday. No biggie to me as I wasn't going, not to mention I had not been going up there anyway. maybe 3 times this year. Apparently the host (Frank Jax sports cards) had an issue. They had been there 15 years (Holiday Inn). Now they will be at a different Holiday Inn (the one they were at before 15 years ago), starting in October. I'll probably make one more trip up there this year just to check out the new digs. 

I did hit up Tampa this past Saturday, and then onto Hudson (a dud for the most part) on Sunday. The dealers said both days were basically dead. They were not happy. Typically that would be a good sign for a "buyer like me". I'll give y'all all the details of this weekend after I finish up what I already have in the scans, it will be a couple of weeks.

Now, let's cover the basis from my last trip. I posted the Autism set already. That was 1 purchase. I made several deals including two separate deals with Chuck. I made a deal with Mike (from Ormond), a deal with Jason (largest quantity of the day), a deal with the guy from Gainesville (CardFarm) (best deal of the day), a deal with Daryl, and finally a few free cards from Fred. There is going to be a lot of posts here. 

Tonight we will hit up the handful of Braves from Mike's dollar boxes. (he gets to the good Braves at Kyle's shop before anyone else sees them).

Mike charges me fifty cents on the cards in his dollar boxes versus the the 3 for a buck I get at Kyle's shop. But, hey I'll always find Braves needs in his boxes. I even picked up some dupes on purpose. 

Lots of various parallels and refractors.

On the rare occurrence a few from days gone by.

There ya go, a nice short one to kick start the week.

Thursday, August 22, 2024

It is Friday: How about a quickie? Courtesy of the Autism Foundation via Leaf.

 Just kickstarting the Jacksonville card show purchases. I made basically 8 purchases, 2 from one vendor a few hours apart (Chuck). I plan on heading to two cities and two card show this weekend, so hence the quickie. I will go with the not the smallest purchased, but close....well technically it was the smallest as the smallest didn't cost me anything and that was from Fred and was the fewest cards and obviously the lowest cost. Love Free.

Anyways let's get to some cards most of you probably haven't seen or even aware of. I know that I wasn't. Stopped me in my tracks. I got these from one of the other regular vendors.

Initially, I was just going to buy the baseball cards, but deal made for the set.

Obviously I am keeping the 4 baseball players with Acuna going into the Braves binders. I can keep the ladies too. That leaves the rest certainly up for trade. LMK if interested in any or all of those. Have a great weekend wish me luck at the two shows.

Wednesday, August 21, 2024

Incoming from a couple of bloggers

 First up tonight came from Bo.

1982 Braves Police and I needed them all. This is the 2nd package from recently. I posted the other one a couple of weeks ago.

Next up are 2 packages from Mark (Fuji).

I got the 2 packages from Mark a week apart, and both of them contained these Dover reprints. Pretty sure Dime Box Nick sent me them too early this year, maybe it was last year.

These Braves are all needs.

These too! Finishing the first package with a non Braves card, but it is a Vintage stock Greg Maddux!

2nd package.

All 18 of these Braves were needs too. Both packages had lots more Braves, but these were the needs. The Gattis bear card (gold rainbow) is still to this day one of my favorite baseball cards. I love it. 

As promised, I will kick off the Jax. card show posts (there will be a lot of them) tomorrow. After I finish up with Jax, then I can move onto to the recent Sport Lots order that came in. (I already have over 500 cards in or on their way to my Slots box. 

I do plan on attending two different card show this weekend. One in Tampa and the other in Hudson. Not sure if I'll do Friday, Saturday or Saturday Sunday yet, but I'll figure it out. I won't be going to Jax. next month instead I will be local at the Villages card show. 

Monday, August 19, 2024

Blowout Cards: 2019 Star Wars Resistance case break

 As mentioned yesterday and a couple of weeks ago I bought a case for under $90.00. Turns out I didn't have the set, so duh, I managed to put together a 100 card set or two, or three, or 4 or 5, not sure as a few were missing a card or two. In hind sight I could have spent $20.00 and bought a set, throw in a a few more bucks to get the insert sets, then a few more to get all of the 1 per box gadget/thingies. So I probably got a better deal by buying the case not to mention it certainly scratched that big time itch I had.

Starting the scans off with those thingies (complete set of 12) or whatever they call them or whatever you want to call them (Danglers). Now let's look at the completely horizontal set.

Got three gold parallels. There is also Reed and Silver, but I didn't get any. Now moving on the the insert sets.

A 1 of 1 printing plate, oooohh. lol. Tattoos. I got 7 of the 10.

All 25 of the Characters inserts.

All 10 of the Pop Ups inserts. There is one more insert set "mini albums" but I didn't get any of them.

There you have a cheap Star Wars set and most of the inserts.