Wednesday, June 19, 2024

Yeah, I did!

 Ray Stevens was a very funny guy (my perspective). Frist let's recognize the passing of Willie Mays. He had 93 years behind him, HOF career and probably the best ever outfielder. RIP, kid!

Now, I mentioned last night that I would be heading over to the beach today, I did. I came home with two 3K count boxes. I will be sorting those for a few days. A good mix inside, but mainly series 2 Topps (apx 4K cards), maybe 500 or so Chrome Platinum, and then a variety. I grabbed up a good bit of Braves, which I'll sort by dime box, $1.00 box, 2 for 5, and $5.00 cards. I also used a Braves Bobble head to fill the box.  

Tonight I will just do one scan. 4 cards. Seriously sit down, just kidding I didn't get 4 Mays Gem Mint RC cards.

I pulled these cards as I scanned over the 4K looking for my Braves which I did pull out also. I went through half of the cards before checking the time. So this will have to do while I peruse the other half. Notice I spotted a new bubble gum card to go along with the three trophy cup cards.

I'm going to try to sort the other half tomorrow between trying to file 2 tax returns on behalf of my deceased for two year Uncle Fred, yeah those 75,000 new IRS agents are only going to go after people making more than 400K. BS, no DS *Donkey Squat). Fred, had a great income, but he spent more than that paying care givers, so literally he owed nothing in taxes, and after getting 8 years of his taxes done at once before he died, verifying that I had taken to the actual IRS building in Valdosta, and they told him not to file a return for those years....not once  but twice. I even double checked on the IRS website, yep said the same thing. Now I'm getting letters....... for those 2 years that wasn't filed. BECAUSE THEY SAID NOT TOO. Hopefully, all will be okay. 

Have a great night folks (my daughter just came over).


  1. Getting ready to start Series 2. Went from 3 sets to 4, so I'll probably hit you up to fill in the holes.

  2. Hope you're able to get everything squared away with the IRS. That sounds like a very frustrating situation. Sorting those 3,000ct. boxes should help you take your mind off of things.
