Thursday, October 3, 2024

Making Lemonade

 Yesterday was one of those days. Being the guy I am I'll just have to put some sugar with the lemons.

The short breakdown:

My brother got a letter from my original neighbor (his landlord) he has to be out in 3 weeks or less. He has been living in the NC mountains or what is left of them, flying a plane for sky jumpers. Went to get his physical just before the Hurricane and had a stroke. Lost his job immediately and his residence up there. Haven't been able to reach him obviously since the Hurricane. Brother is in his 7's very fixed income and the housing market is still 50% too high down here right now. Nothing in his budget so far.

We lost at Trivia.

My vehicle would not start afterwards. I left it there at the pub so I can look at it in the daylight.

Braves the lost. Zippiddy Zap and they're done. 

Time to put a good spin on things. Valdosta was one of those towns devastated. Got word yesterday that my uncle's old house not a scratch. Sadly, most people can not say that. Still it was good news knowing that the old house is still standing. 

I'll check out my ride tomorrow, and if I can't figure it out I'll just call AAA and tow it into the dealership. Hoping and praying I can get it figured out without the garage.

As for Trivia, we'll be back in 2 weeks. No biggie.

As for the Braves....there's always next year.

Now how about some more cards specifically the Braves cards (from the Hudson show) to put a fork in the season for me. It is a short one just like the post season.

I think that reprint 75' is a refractor. And the 94' Archives is the gold version.

Yes, there was a card in the frame above. I broke it out of it's prison. It will be the last card here tonight.

And here it is. 

I wrote this last night, so I may put the vehicle update below before publishing.

UPDATE: Battery expensive. ouch. $261.00. It is a big battery though. Now to get 7 years out of this one like the original OEM factory battery that I replaced.

1 comment:

  1. Sorry your brother is having a rough time. Sorry about the Braves too.
