Friday, April 14, 2023

Lets get to SOME different kind of ODD BALL items. It is SPRING time....

 The winner last night was: Jafronius with back to back wins.

As the title suggests tonight will be pertaining to Spring. Spring Training that is. It is scan heavy so enjoy!

That is a Joe Torre signature up top.

A view of the back cover.

There are a few signatures on this one. But wait....

Here is a close up of one of them that was hard to see.

No idea whose signature that is. UPDATE: WE KNOW WHO IT IS NOW.
SADAHARU OH!  Oh yes. That is a really big name.

Apparently the Braves were playing a team from Toyko. Notice who is listed as #1? "OH" yeah. Speaking of which I got my cards from Nine Pockets and they are absolutely beautiful.

The back cover.

Lots of autos here. Phil Niekro, Bob Gibson, and Dale Murphy stand out pretty well.

Another back cover view.

Inside most of these Spring programs were printed on the back page the upcoming season schedule. This one however had an actual pocket schedule (never folded) and also a sticker. I was giddy about those. Maybe not as much as all of the autos on the front, but close.

Another one with lots of autos, but this time front and back.

Yep that is a Pete Rose signature. JSA looked at all of these at the show in Jax, (plus a hundred or so more). They are all legit sigs. The dealer paid for the Pete Rose authentication so that he had something. You can see the sticker. That didn't mean so much to me because I already have his autograph, but having another one is just fine. Now, spoiler alert not the best sig of the batch.

Back cover.

Plenty of sigs on this one including a few HOFer's. Do you see any big names? Really big name that is.

Yeah very happy to bring home all of the Braves programs in the lot. Boatload of autographs. Big names like the Nolan Ryan, Bruce Sutter, and Don Sutton. Let's not forget Murphy, Torre, Niekro, Gibson. OH yeah Sadaharu OH.

Have a great weekend. I was going to be heading to a card show in St. Pete tomorrow, but I have decided to take the weekend off . Really two weekends as the following weekend I will be heading way down to Fort Myers to spend the weekend with my oldest daughter Christy. 

I will be dumping scans on you guys for weeks to come. I finished scanning the last of what I am going to scan from the March Jax card show. No, I didn't scan the 5,000 cards in the PC/Future maybe boxes. I scanned a lot but no way was I scanning everything. Still a ton of the weird stuff I mean odd balls. I'll hit those hard next week.


  1. Have a wonderful Jackie Robinson weekend!

  2. Absolutely love programs. Nice batch here!

  3. And we look forward to those scans! But awesome that you get to spend time with your daughter...have a good time!

  4. Neat!
    So old that they were 40 and 50 cents for a few of them

  5. Great stuff there. Some of the signatures are very legible. I would guess some of them are fairly valuable as well. Enjoy the weekend!

  6. I was going to test my baseball knowledge and see if I'd heard of anyone (besides Oh) on that 1981 Tokyo roster, and I have!

    Roy White :/

  7. I think I spotted a Gary Carter as well. Great purchase!

  8. Really cool collectibles. Anything with Saduhara Oh on it is awesome in my book.

  9. Even before seeing that the Braves were playing against the Tokyo Giants, I swore that looked like Oh’s signature - but I couldn’t figure out how/why he would have signed it. Once I saw the roster, that confirmed (for me) it was him. Check images of his auto online and I think you’ll agree you’ve got a real gem.


    Look at the ball that is signed in black sharpie

    1. "OH" my goodness, I said I had no clue whose signature that was. I never even considered it to be OH's. Wow, I am in awe!

  11. Those program covers would be terrific even without the autos. Especially the first one, so much going on there.

  12. Guess it was my turn for the back to back wins! Great autographs! "OH Yeah!!!"

  13. Whoa, these are super cool! Thanks for sharing.

  14. Lots of awesome autographs here... but the Oh is by far the coolest. Congratulations on adding it to your collection.
