Monday, July 31, 2017

Mail Day!

LOTS OF GOODIES IN THE BOX TODAY. Well, okay a couple came on Saturday. Real quick one tonight.

Yes, I know this is upside  down. All 4 scans are. First, you know I am not technically inclined. I took these with my phone and emailed them to myself and then opened the email and as always my phone turned the scans 90 degrees. So I rotated them 90 degrees in office manager then cropped them, and when I pull them up afterwards they are 180 degrees, WTF. I have no idea whats going on or how to correct it.

But, these came today from Adam over at Infield Fly Rule with a note.

Adam said I had sent him a "PWE" back in January, and this is the return.

5 team bags full of set build needs, some Braves, and some mini collections.

That is what I call a return, thanks Adam!


  1. lol...upside down scans. I love it!
    Beats the same ol, same ol :)

  2. Thanks for the trade! Sorry my return and comment are so late.
