Thursday, July 4, 2024

John Elway

 As mentioned a few days back I had recntly got a package from former blogger JayBarkerFan (one of a few blogs) AKA Wes. Wes was always an awesome trader and absolutely generous at that. This package was all Elway cards so I should probably provide some background. When I started this blog back in 2013 my MAIN focus was John Elway cards (but not really). My real focus was Braves. You see wife #3 was having an issue with my baseball cards. Okay, so I should be honest and refer to her as ex-wife #3. I collected ALL baseball cards, sets, inserts everything. Literally all over the place you would find stacks and boxes of cards. It is still that way today, just better organized of course being that I answer to no one regarding what goes where. Somewhere along the line she and I came to an agreement (which I do REGRET as I got rid over at the time 250K in BV of baseball cards). Going forward I would only collect certain sets and keep the insert sets to a manageable amount. But because I am sort of a completist, I needed something that I could go after everything I could get my hands on. Sort of like the Coca-Cola collection I started for her (that she got in the divorce later and I kept my sports cards including the Elways'). See Elway was her guy, I didn't collect anything but baseball, and she was a bigtime Bronco's fan and Elway nut. In short time I had gathered all of kinds of Elway stuff on top of cards. We separated and divorced in 2006. I also got the house (she got half the value of the house and I got the mortgage, lol). I am having too much fun here so let's get to the numbers. At that time I decided to enter the Elway stuff into TCDB, that was my first inkling with them (TCDB). It is all I did with them too until 2013. Once I entered the Elway cards I was happy to be sitting at #3 (I am thinking I did that actually in 2005). I know it was 2005 because that is when I decided to no longer go after Elway cards. The number was right around 1200 give or take one or two. I also had and still do have a lot that I couldn't figure out how to find on there. I will be doing that by year's end though. Advance forward to 2013 and the joining of OCT followed by the creation of this blog. With Elway being the largest collection of any individual player of any kind it as difficult to TRADE, so I expanded my baseball collecting horizons once again, and that is how I got to where I am today. Braves highest priority, T206, set builds. 

Wes would always hook me up with some hard to snag Elway's and being I wasn't actively collecting them he was adding to the count bigtime. Got me up to about 1400. I'd add them into the base every now and again and it has basically been sitting there around 1400 for over a decade. Well, until now because I finally went through the 2 traunches of cards from Wes plus the few I'd pick out of Kyle's dime boxes every now and again and I can now say the number is 1469, but the TCDB has that at #6 among Elway collectors. I still feel pretty good because I haven't intentionally gone after any since 2005. I am positive knowing how TCDB works or at least enough to figure a lot of the cards out the number is probably over 1500. 


I collect Braves, T206, and build sets. That is my thing. Yes, I have tons of mini collections and the PC's are just absolute NUTS. (I am working on that though).

By now I am sure you want to see the new to me (should I say newest additions to my TCDB) additions. There are 67 of them

There ya go. One of these days, I may do a week of Elway non card stuff.... Maybe, lol.

I do know that I will for the first time be putting the cards (and magazines) into a few binders. Getting them out of those two monster boxes that have been sitting in my bedroom for 20 years will be a good thing not to mention the two monster boxes of Elway dupes too, but I'm not sure what do with those just yet.

Have a great weekend everybody!

Happy Independence Day America!

 God Bless the USA!

I must say here and now, that I have added to this binder since I scanned these a year ago. I picked up several of the inserts you see above as well. Next year I will be rescanning everything. 

Next up are birthday boys.

I added a few more here too. Now for the Patriotic cards, and down below....way down below (near the bottom) there will be a warning for adult only content (and for those not wishing to see scantilly clothed women- just a few). Again there will be a warning shot.

I have a stack of a hundred or two that still needs worked into the binders, mainly similar to the cards you are now seeing.

How about some Lady Liberty.

Ah the good ole Red, White, and Blue!

Added a slew of these as well.

I have to nitpick a bit right here. Why would you use a gold parallel for a set about American Pride. I get the blue, the white, and even the silver is okay.....How about Red instead of gold? Just saying.


I wish everyone a blessed day!