The winner last night was: RJ
I promised a few Uncle Fred posts so here is #2: one that walks us through his life a little bit reinforced with a good bit of scans.
I have no idea where this photo was taken or when. He only had a mustache (only) a couple of times during his whole life and once with a full beard too.
I believe this photo is from his time in Brazil, he is either in Belem or Rio de Janeiro.
This is Fred right out of high school working for the man (Uncle Sam). Not sure of the location.
No idea of who the girl or girls are.
From a letter that was with these pictures I know that this is Fred and his friends from high school.
This is either Brazil or Bermuda and the fella with Fred is his buddy that they signed up together. Short story here. Right after high school Fred and his buddy went on a job interview after taking what I believe was the civil service exam or at least what is was back then. The "boss" offered them both a job and would keep them working in close to each others area. Fred then asked when they would be starting school (his dream was to go to radio school which he did eventually), and the man said why do you want to do that? You can learn as you go! This was a Friday and when they were asked when they would like to start, they said Monday is good. The FFA was called the Civil Aeronautics Administration back then. Thus launched what would be a 40 year career. Who knew he would wind up being retired longer than he worked.
Now to go back to an earlier time.
Top photo are my grandparents Mama Mac and Daddy Mac. Uncle Fred is next to his mother, my Uncle JC next to him, with my dad (in overalls) and my Aunt Shelby in front. The dog's name was Dora. Dora lived a long time and was a great dog according to Fred.
The bottom photo are the boys my Dad, Uncle JC, and Uncle Fred. Aunt Shelby is below.
With 14 years between Fred the eldest and Shelby the youngest he absolutely loved spoiling her any chance he could. That didn't end until her death 3 years ago. Fred outlived all of his siblings.
Another shot of my dad, JC, and Fred (Shelby hadn't been born yet)
Jumping back to 1950's when Fred was loaned to the US Army this go around. The first time was during WWII for the US Navy. I think these photos were taken during the "short training" he got before going wherever they needed him.

The top photo was taken at a family reunion a month or two after my dad's funeral. Those are the grown up version of Fred, JC and Shelby. He was the first of the siblings to pass which is when Fred became aware of my existence. You see Fred left home for the job he would hold for his entire career in the 40's I was born in 66' (in Atlanta) and my mom moved us to Florida shortly after. Only to return 10 years later, she and my dad got back together and they would visit each way until we moved back to GA. Fred was already in Valdosta in 76'. My parents lasted 2 years that time and off she and I went again. Ultimately winding up back in Florida but not before I was going to high school just an hour away from Fred, but we didn't know about each other then. I would wind up marrying my (1st wife) high school sweetheart, join the US Army, and then divorcing and after being injured I choose Ocala to be discharged to. Thus in 98' when my father passed Fred was as well as half of the family (only half knew of me) when he found out about me. He spent the last 24 years trying to make up the time we lost. He looked after me from then on as he did with everyone in our family as well as his friends. Good man through and through.
The bottom photo is Mama Mac as you can tell she was not happy. She just buried her baby boy (my dad) a month or so earlier. Below is a picture of her with my sister Jan and me.
This a picture of my grown up daddy at his bar. The Midway Lounge in Smyrna, Ga. Just a side note, every morning I would wake up for school and find a pack of Bubble Yum on the kitchen table. He would get it from his package store next to the bar every night before leaving work. Funny thing is if I was with him on the weekend or in the summer and we had to stop his work (usually we were hunting, gardening or similar), he would go inside get me the gum and he would pay for it. I asked him it's your store why are you paying for it. He says the products were to be sold not given away, so I pay for it.
Here is a couple of other photos from that reunion. I posted this one so that you could get a glimpse of Cathy standing next to Fred. Meaning well, I'll explain that in a minute.
It would be just a month later when Mama Mac passed. She had broken her shoulder fell while gardening (notice her age). My dad used to till the ground and plant her garden for her every year, and she would tend to it. But alas she gave up quit eating and passed in quick fashion. She was 93. My dad was 68 or would have been in a few weeks.
Here we have Cathy and a very youthful and madly in love Fred. They met in the 50's after he returned from overseas when he was sent to North Carolina. He fell hard for her, but she not for him. It would be an on again/off again affair that lasted over 60 years. He would ask for her hand marriage several times over the years, but they never married (anyone) never had children of their own, thus so much loss in that alone. They both loved their nephews and nieces bar none.
Here you have them young and old. After all of those years, when she fell ill Fred was the one to be there for her. As would be there off and on running back and forth from Valdosta, to Rocky Mount for 60 years. He had homes there and here. He also had a girlfriend here that lasted for 35 years. Her name was Anne and after she passed it didn't take but a minute for Fred to pretty much disappear back to NC. Cathy passed in 2014, Fred wasn't well himself and the caregivers up there were stealing and not really making Fred do what he needed to do. We (my cousins and I) started trying to get him back to GA in 2015 after he settled Cathy's estate. It would take another year to get him home, but we did.

Fred and Cathy on a trip to Santa Barbara, CA. One of her sisters had moved out there and raised a family. Her sister Margaret had already passed a long time, but like I mentioned earlier she loved her sister's kids. That is one of them in the bottom picture. Cathy had another sister who stayed in NC, but I will mention that one later.
The gentleman with Fred and Cathy was Margaret's widower (her brother-in-law).
Here we have Fred and Anne his Valdosta girlfriend of 35 years. She was a widow when Fred met her in the 60's. She had a major problem collecting stuff. I figure she got it from Fred. They would go to auctions several times a week. I have no idea how Fred did all that he did. Work, Kiwana's, Shriners, Masonic, NC girl, GA girl, non stop going I tell ya. Now, just a week or two before Fred passed away, he told me that he regretted not marrying his girlfriend from Brazil. He always talked about her, but not that way. He would tell everyone the same story over and over. Then whamo, he tells me that he regretted not marrying. First I thought that was because had he done so, he would have never fallen in love with Cathy. That is until the other night when I was going through more paperwork, and found what you are about to read.
Now, before you jump to the conclusion that Fred was a player, read on. Here 2nd letter.
Yeah, I think Fred really did regret not marrying this one, maybe for a lot of different reasons. Remember he was just a young buck back then 20 years old.
This is a 8x10 souvenir photo of Fred and Cathy in New York 1957! I believe this is the only picture I've seen of her looking at him and smiling. Now her sister "Mary Alice" and her husband Arthur (who would become Fred's best friend for decades) don't look as if they wanted a picture. You caught her sister's name didn't you? Talk about fate.
This was a pic in Santa Barbara too. Apparently this was a famous actor back in the day. I believe Fred said he was on Ironside or something like that. Definitely not Raymond Burr. We're almost done with this walk through Fred's life. Just a few more items I found interesting the other night and though you might get a kick out it too.
How appropriate with Turkey Day just passed.
Might as well do the Christmas one too.
Still just a youngin at 23.
Now this scan is just to have a baseball card thrown in and to give you perspective on the size of license you had to carry with you. There really wasn't many cars on Bermuda. They didn't like them. Most people walked or took the train. Fred road a motorized bicycle. He paid $10.00 a year for the license.
Apparently the ladies at this "club" had a crush on Fred too. I miss him and his stories, he had some stories. I'll try to get 1 more post on him before year's end. Maybe once I am back home so in the New Year.