Tuesday, July 21, 2020

You get to decide

I mentioned last week that I would be running home (Ocala, FL). I did. My trip home was great. I was able to spend some quality time with Elijah (Eli) my grandson and with my daughter. I also mentioned in that same post that Hunter (my youngest daughter) was pissed off at me because I had gotten onto her (She'll be 22 next birthday). She must have thought about it, and did not do what she was planning and spent the day and a half with me. That was the most time I've been able to spend with her since she moved back into our home a few years ago. Not that this year counts too much as this was just the second night I spent sleeping in my bed. All in all 100% satisfied. Besides the great family time I was also blessed with a box of cards from my dealer buddy Bob. This is where you get to decide comes into play. Bob is a dealer and has been a friend of mine for over 25 years. We harass the heck out of each other every time we see each other, that's just how we are......busting each other's chops. I love it.

Anyway, I called Bob. I asked him what I owed him for the cards and as always he said what do you want to give me. There is typically some chop busting here both ways. There was. Tonight I'll show you the cards, and I'd like for y'all to comment to the " total value" of said cards, and what you actually pay for them. Simple, should be fun.

Here we go.

I didn't need either of the two Spahn cards.

I definitely needed both Gehrig cards. Most of the other cards are not needed for the set build, but are likely needed in the PC's. yes, that Fleer is a little banged up, well multiple creases.

The series 1 BLUE set stands out in my mind, but I didn't recall this brick red series 2 set. I already have the Justice so I obviously have seen it before.

A slew of these, and Bob hates letting them go. Most of these (99%) are from series 3 and 4.

There was even some 2020 stuff.

Didn't really need the World Series cards, but needed the Lindor relic.

wrapping up with these 2020 Big Leagues.

So let me know what you'd pay for all of these cards.


  1. I hate to even try, since I am so cheap. How does $25 sound? Am I low balling?? I like the 2nd Spahn and the McGwire seeds card.

  2. I feel like you could find most of the 2020 stuff in dime boxes and maybe if you're lucky the SunFlower Seed cards and Retro UD cards as well. I don't know what the Pacific Legends go for, but they are so awesome. The Fleer Gehrig and the Warren Spahn Exhibit are probably the priciest.
    If I was able to get of that for the price of a blaster ($20) I would be feeling REALLY good about the deal. $25 to $30 is probably a bit fairer.

  3. $30.00, although, honestly, this isn't my strong suit.

  4. I’d spend $200. Lots of quality players & cards. Gehrig Fleer obviously (notwithstanding the poor conf) & the Spahn. I’ll spend a buck for most HOFers - not necessarily these, but if that’s what you’re in to.

  5. I'd say probably $20-30, though personally I'd only be keeping two cards out this stack and the rest would be traders.. lol

  6. I don’t know too much about card value, but I would spend between 30 and 40 bucks for those cards.
    Glad you had some quality time down in Ocala. One day when it is not as crazy in the world and you are in Ocala for a few days we need to hang out and talk baseball and cards.

  7. I'd say most of the cards are quarter to dollar bin items. Have no idea what the 2nd Spahn sells for, but it looks old and cool. The Gehrig and Lindor relic also stood out to me. $25? How about $20 + whatever the going rate for the Spahn?
