Thursday, March 5, 2020

Need 4 more PLAYERS and some incoming cards

Still need four more players for the month of Big Fun Games.

Meanwhile I got these cards in the mail.

Jim from GCRL dropped some Braves on me that I needed.

He sent these too. I know that Wilson is in pretty bad shape, but it most definitely will do for now as I didn't have one.

An OCT buddy sent me a few odd balls.

1964 Topps Giant.

What is funny about these 76' Kellogg's is that I had just bindered for the first time my Kellogg's cards the night before.  Then Mark (fuji) made a post about some Kellogg's that very night.  A lot of cowinkeedinks for sure.


  1. Love those Kellogg's! I gotta start prioritizing working on those sets one of these days.

    I suppose I'd be down for the BFG if you need more people. Thanks!

  2. kellogggggggggggggggggggggggs! always amazing stuff! I'd love to be in on the game but don't want to hold up a turn. I can't keep an eye on who's next. When I see the prizes, it will make me wish I'd taken the time to play. Have fun!!

    1. It is easy peazy. Your turn will be on a FRIDAY NIGHT. They have been finishing up pretty quick. So come on PLAY....PLAY

  3. Is it sad that it took me about 30 seconds to figure out what "cowinkeedinks" was? Cool Torre btw!

  4. 1976 might just be my 2nd favorite Kellogg's design from the 70's. And that 1964 Topps Giant is my favorite oddball issue from the 60's. It's design (not size) is kinda similar to the 1970 Kellogg's design.

  5. I could get in on the action if you still need people.

    1. Sure, Just be a follower of the blog and your in. (you'll need to e-mail me yoru address too).
