Wednesday, January 29, 2025

Wacky Wednesday

 Now that the initial phase of re-starting this theme has come and gone it is time to normalize it. Okay maybe normalize and Wacky shouldn't be combined.

Back in the day I would have cropped the cards individually, but my current "editor" doesn't allow for that and I ain't above to scan individual cards for this theme when there are literally thousands. IE: the Gwynn would've been better rotated.

Have a great night folks!


  1. I've always liked that Dave Parker with the sledge hammer.

  2. That Jack McKeon is awesome! I'd love to find a signed copy of that card.

  3. How far could Gwynn hit a ball with that club? Fun cards. Enjoy the night.

  4. Ah. Cards from back in the days before all the photos became over-cropped Getty images derpfests and everything interesting gets relegated to an SP which no one sees unless they have too much money.. I miss interesting and varied photos as a routine part of sets.

  5. Oh, that's why Tony Gwynn was always hitting so well! It makes so much sense now.

  6. Only one card from this century and that was 20 years ago. Was going to comment more but Nick expressed my feelings more eloquently than I would have.
