Friday, January 24, 2025

Helping the kids.... What was in the binders?

 As I mentioned previously a couple of kids that were at the Tampa card show where their dad was set up as a seller was trying to pawn off a couple of binders. They were wanting $50.00 each. No sellers were taking. When they got to Justin, he looked at them and said he wasn't interest either. Justin asked me to "value them". I went through them both quickly and told Justin they worth about $25.00 retail, so a seller would be stretching it paying $20.00. He said that was he thought too. I told the kids I'd give them the $20.00 each, and they took me up on it. I will say this... i could have easily found the cards in dime boxes or at most quarter boxes. But hey it helped the kids out. I scanned the highlights only as the rest not worth the time to scan.

Okay, so some of these might be sitting in dollar boxes, but a quarter maybe a little more is where I hit the buy button.

I took the cards out of the pages and threw the pages away. The binders were those zipper type, nice but not my cup of tea.

These were the only Braves that I needed. Like I said not something I normally would buy because I could have bought online all of those scanned for about $10.00 give or take. I spent less than 2 hours at the show (which apparently was all that was needed to get me sick). I skipped the St. Pete show the following week, as I just don't like the set up of the show itself. I did go to the Clearwater show last weekend which the show promoter changed from the previous month and is now run by the same guy as the St. Pete show. I'll have more on that show in a later post. I am hitting The Villages card show (I consider local) tomorrow in the cold. They only do 4 a year and it's tomorrow, I gotta go.

Have a great weekend!


  1. That's really nice of you. I tried selling cards when I was didn't really work, probably for the same reason it wasn't working for the kids.

  2. Great of you to support the kids that way. Who else is going to continue the hobby if we don't encourage them to collect? Have a great weekend. It's supposed to warm up to highs in the 20's this weekend.

  3. Cool they were willing to come off their price.

  4. You're a good person. There's getting value for a dollar and then there's just value.

  5. Interesting when you look at the D'Arnaud and Arcia cards that the 2024 design is really close...

  6. Way better value than a typical blaster. I'd call it a win/win situation.

  7. Hopefully the dad wasn't trying to talk the kids out of the sale. Good for you!
