Monday, January 20, 2025

I be dawg gone

 Well before I kick off this main portion of this post I wanted to make a comment regarding this current "artic blast". Most of you know that I live in central Florida, north central to be more specific. We are actually expecting at least an inch of snow tomorrow. Okay that tidbit of amusement is over. I am planning on driving over to Ormond (hadn't been in a while and the card show this past Saturday was a total SUCK). Keep in mind this is the one show in that area that I liked. But last month the show promoter from the St Pete show took over the Clearwater show. Not good for me. 90% HIGH End Pokemon. Yeah Pokemon, and the 10% that wasn't was predominantly slabbed stuff, again nope. I did manage to dig through a few boxes so that I didn't come home empty handed. I spent $20.00. I'll get to those eventually. Tonight, I am picking back up where I left off on Friday..... The Tampa show that got me sick. The 2nd deal/purchase or purchases.

I like stickers. This dealer had 6 of these boxes for $6.00 each. I bought 2 of them figuring I'd complete the set. NOPE, Wish I had bought all of them. The set has 198 card backs for the set, but in reality there are 784 counting the front sticker variations.

Box one got me 148/198 and 213/784. 27%.

Box two got me up to 175/198 and 318/784. 40%

This dealer had some odd ball stuff.

My scans uploaded in reverse (thought I'd let you know that).

he had a bunch of Santa Clause cards.

I got more for that binder for sure.

The timing of this post wasn't planned, but he had a deck of Trump cards I hadn't seen before. The pics above are the only ones in the deck so I just showed you those. The rest of the cards were normal playing cards. 

That was deal 2. Like the first deal I was satisfied with the gets. 

I also bought some stuff from Justin (BTW) he came to my house last week, and talked me into selling him some cards from the garage. He spent a good bit, but it didn't put a dent. Can not even tell I got rid of anything. Anyways, I bought a bunch of cards he had in his dollar boxes and got for a quarter. I'll do them on Thursday. I also bought two binders of mainly crap from a couple of kids trying to unload the stuff, but none of the dealers were giving them the time of day (they were helping their dad at HIS tables). I gave the kids a little for the binders and I'll post up some of those highlights Friday night.

Be safe (I'll try to drive careful in the

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