Friday, July 29, 2016

More stuff

Might as well keep moving on with some more of the stuff from the "buyout"

Some nice inserts from the Ted Williams Company.

Set killer, and I pulled another one from a box so now I have one for the McGwire binder.

Bam ditto, set a couple of these too.

Jumbo sized Brave.

A boxed set, plus got a whole bunch of these loose sets and singles too.

The WhiteHall Collection was sealed, but I had to open it up and look at the goodies.

And wrapping tonight up with another cards from the Ted Williams Company. If you look close enough you can see part of the certified logo between the knees.

Have a great weekend!


  1. Holy cow, looks like a nice haul. I've always had a love/hate for the Ted Williams set, but I think I'd like them more if I actually had some as a kid.

  2. Great cards! Really like those WhiteHall Collection cards, those are new to me.

  3. Ted Williams is still one of my favorite baseball card sets of all-time.

  4. I'm a fan of the Williams set myself

  5. Congratulations on the haul. Those WhiteHall holograms are spectacular! I must track down one of those sets... or at least that sweet Babe card.
