Wednesday, March 26, 2025

WaCkY wEdNeSdAy

 Apparently my brother has re-couped from his ailment and we shall be playing trivia tonight. It's been a month, not sure how we'll do, but the free answer for tonight is "The Godfather". 

1984 fleer offered up several interesting and iconic cards. I also see another baseball card make it on a baseball card. Not bad for junk wax. Now we have started on the 1985 cards.

Have a great night folks!


  1. Great cards. I'd forgotten about the Andujar, that's a good one.

  2. Is Jackson doing a concert or performing the National Anthem? Have fun at trivia and a good night to all.

  3. I really need to find that Roy Lee Jackson card..

  4. I've alway liked the 1984 Fleer set, but a lot of it had to do with the design. Seeing all of these interesting photos makes it so much cooler.

  5. I was a fan of the '84 Fleer set, but for some reason, I didn't ever get many of them. I was probably to focused on the Topps set that year.
