Sunday, March 23, 2025

Ormond cards from the 2 for 5 boxes and the $5 boxes.

 That Ormond trip with back to back days found me spending my time flipping through the 2 for $5.00 and the $5.00 boxes.

Found another Matt Olson from the Bo Jackson Battle Arena set and a Jackson Holiday too. Mind you I didn't pay $5.00 for each card.  I needed these Braves.

That almost clears up that trip. I have the buck boxes left which I will do tomorrow.


  1. Excellent cards. Very nice you were able to get some needs taken care of. Looking forward to your post tomorrow. Have a great night all.

  2. Those negative refractors are still ghastly, even with Kershaw on one.

  3. Hoping to stumble across someone with a bunch of those Bo Jackson Battle Arena cards at my local flea market. I'm so curious about that product. I'd love to just flip through some singles from it.

  4. Those battle arena cards look interesting, never seen them before.
