Wednesday, March 19, 2025

Wacky Wednesday

 I am in utter tears right now. Just kidding. Seems like no one had seen those 2024 Topps Holiday Plaid parallels. I have shown two or three of them in previous posts, you must have just missed it. LOL. 

Time for another round of interesting cards for one reason or another, except for one thing. I am foregoing the pre-scanned run of cards I was going to post tonight and going with these instead.

Yes, I got my hands on some 2025 cards. I did NOT buy a ton of them. The dime boxes at KnT finally dumped about 10K of them into their boxes. They also had complete sets already in order so I got one of those and just picked through the boxes grabbing cards for my PC guys and my Braves even though I already bought my Braves team (they are sitting in my Sport Lots, box (well now those are dupes).

Snagged the cards above because simply they caught my eye. A couple of bat flips and a nice slide, a great catch, weirdness picture taking, and just look how high that little feller got up in the air. I figured while 2025 series 1 was still on most people's minds I would get out these and now can proudly place them into the back of my Wacky Binders. 

Have a great night everyone!


  1. Siri with the old-school Rays jersey wins it!!

  2. Leave it to the Twins for photo weirdness! How high can you jump? Have a great night all.

  3. That's an insane vertical. I wish mine was that good...

  4. That Tampa Bay salute card is cool. Matt Chapman is also saluting on his base card.
