Thursday, February 6, 2025

Ormond Beach: Round 3

 Round three from the January trip to Ormond. In case you couldn't tell from the "GIVEAWAY" cards last week, I grabbed what should be the last time I grab any A & G from 2024 other than the unusual parallels cards.

Above are the Chrome, 2 Filigree, and and a few Silver portraits (the rest of the Silver are below the base).

This should be the last time I post any 2024 AG unless they are Braves parallels that I need.  Kind of burned out on these. Didn't take long, but I'm sure I have all of my PC's taken care of. Speaking of which, the PC guys I grabbed (non AG) grabs will be next.



  1. Nice cards. You can't ever go wrong with a Puckett! Have a great night all.

  2. The only A&G parallels I like are minis and the X (black backgrounds). And even the black ones don't look good in this design. Hope A&G design is better in 2025!

    1. I agree about the black X. I still like the Glossy base though.

  3. I just went on an A&G binge on COMC... picking up a few different Masanori Murakami cards. Really glad that Topps has added him to products the past two years.

  4. Had to look up what a filigree was. Nice pickups!
