Saturday, December 14, 2024

Interactive post and the beginning of the Christmas parade.

 Let's get this week's giveaway kick-started. The prize will be the 1975 Gary Carter rookie. 

Those eligible to win:


The task this week: Using the honor system once again, you must put in the mail a RAOK (random act of kindness) or SCP (surprise care package) of baseball cards (at least two cards) no later than Wednesday then .... come back here and comment by midnight Wednesday stating the deed is DONE!

Alrighty then, time for my annual Christmas parade starting with: Christmas around the world.

You can see on the little piece of paper the 6 card numbers that I am missing. I didn't add any this year. I do have them in my ComC watch list, but most of them are nearly 2 bucks. I'm not paying that.

The card backs (all of them) make a very large puzzle.

Funny how the 6 missing cards are balanced. Weird huh? My Christmas shopping is complete and only have 4 more gifts to wrap so things are moving fast.

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