Tuesday, May 28, 2024

Let's catch up.

 You may or may not have noticed that I didn't post so much lately. No one actually inquired and that is a bit depressing, but it is what it is I guess. Anyways, the catch up. My daughter graduated and I did make it albeit I drove all through the night and got a great seat. I took care of the business/family stuff north of Atlanta. As for the lack of posting I could throw out a slew of things, but no need to do that when 6 words can sum it up the best. I just didn't feel like it. DONE! Now over the last few weeks I got a couple of mailings. This one came from Mr. Tessier.

A goodie from 1968. Thank you Tom.

Another package came in from the Owl himself. Greg returned some of those Beltre's I sent him and that was greatly appreciated. Greg decided to throw in a couple of blue Braves for me collection.

Looking at the Opening Day card it looks purple so I better check. Thanks Greg.

I haven't done much hobby wise this month. I did however venture over to Ormond last week (Wednesday). I hadn't been there in a month a half or so. While I was there I actually got a text from Jeremy asking if I would meet him at that card shop on Friday. Talk about funny I was already there. Anyways you've seen the haul that he brought back. Glad he got to venture over there finally. I didn't take any empty monster boxes with me, and I knew that I still had to hit up everything that wasn't Series 1 Topps. I came home with 4 + monster boxes of cards roughly 12.5K (38 of the cards I actually pulled out of Kyle's dollar boxes). Those were all Braves needs for the most part. As for the 4 boxes I loaded up Heritage, Big League, and Bowman all from 2024. Needless to say I do have extras. That reminds me I need to mail Greg some stuff. I'm not going to scan up those monster boxes. I will however cover the Braves that I needed. I'll start with the 2024 needs tomorrow, then do the 2023 Thursday, and wrap up the rest on Friday. No big purchases this trip. Kyle charged me a Benjamin for everything including the 4 brand new 3K boxes. I say a good deal. 

Have a great night folks.


  1. Glad to see you are back. Figured the graduation might have gone longer than expected, but I was thinking about checking in on you when I saw you comment on my blog the other day.

  2. As soon as I saw Bragan on the inside donning a Braves cap, I thought of you.

  3. I noticed. I figured you were taking a little family time. For the blogging regulars I won't say anything for a few weeks but if a month goes by then I start to wonder. (I think the Gausman is blue).

  4. I haven't had a lot of time recently to read blogs because I have been busy. But I would have noticed for sure.

    Glad to see your back.

    Nice pickups on 2024. I don't have any Yankees besides Topps in newer stuff. Without funds it's been a rough year not adding anything like that and not being able to rip

  5. Good to hear from you. I checked in on the blog for anything new. Knowing you were on a family business adventure left me knowing that it was good. Good deal on the cards also. I have a few 2024 cards, but no Heritage yet. I'm not actively pursuing any of those. If I happen to get some, great. If not, that's OK. Welcome back!

  6. Glad you're back! I noticed that I haven't been reading your blog as much, so I noticed your missing in that respect.

    Nice acquisitions. Colored cards are fun.

  7. Glad you were able to make it to your daughter's graduation. I will always appreciate you reaching out to me when my mom passed away.
    Sorry about dropping the ball and not checking up on you. I remember you mention things were going to get a little busy and just assumed it did. Just mailed out some cards for you and a bonus gift. Hope that helps cheer you up buddy.

  8. Gotta love it when the daughter reaches a great milestone in her life. Congratulations to you and your daughter!

  9. That book looks neat. Yay, Tom!

    And I usually wait a month too before checking up on people, that is unless they've said beforehand that they're gonna be gone for a while. And if it makes you feel any better, I haven't posted in over a month on any of my blogs; and no one has sent me a message either.

  10. Everyone should have a life outside of collecting, congrats on the graduation. I'll have to admit that I didn't notice you were MIA... I'm about 200 posts behind in my reading.
