Monday, January 20, 2025

I be dawg gone

 Well before I kick off this main portion of this post I wanted to make a comment regarding this current "artic blast". Most of you know that I live in central Florida, north central to be more specific. We are actually expecting at least an inch of snow tomorrow. Okay that tidbit of amusement is over. I am planning on driving over to Ormond (hadn't been in a while and the card show this past Saturday was a total SUCK). Keep in mind this is the one show in that area that I liked. But last month the show promoter from the St Pete show took over the Clearwater show. Not good for me. 90% HIGH End Pokemon. Yeah Pokemon, and the 10% that wasn't was predominantly slabbed stuff, again nope. I did manage to dig through a few boxes so that I didn't come home empty handed. I spent $20.00. I'll get to those eventually. Tonight, I am picking back up where I left off on Friday..... The Tampa show that got me sick. The 2nd deal/purchase or purchases.

I like stickers. This dealer had 6 of these boxes for $6.00 each. I bought 2 of them figuring I'd complete the set. NOPE, Wish I had bought all of them. The set has 198 card backs for the set, but in reality there are 784 counting the front sticker variations.

Box one got me 148/198 and 213/784. 27%.

Box two got me up to 175/198 and 318/784. 40%

This dealer had some odd ball stuff.

My scans uploaded in reverse (thought I'd let you know that).

he had a bunch of Santa Clause cards.

I got more for that binder for sure.

The timing of this post wasn't planned, but he had a deck of Trump cards I hadn't seen before. The pics above are the only ones in the deck so I just showed you those. The rest of the cards were normal playing cards. 

That was deal 2. Like the first deal I was satisfied with the gets. 

I also bought some stuff from Justin (BTW) he came to my house last week, and talked me into selling him some cards from the garage. He spent a good bit, but it didn't put a dent. Can not even tell I got rid of anything. Anyways, I bought a bunch of cards he had in his dollar boxes and got for a quarter. I'll do them on Thursday. I also bought two binders of mainly crap from a couple of kids trying to unload the stuff, but none of the dealers were giving them the time of day (they were helping their dad at HIS tables). I gave the kids a little for the binders and I'll post up some of those highlights Friday night.

Be safe (I'll try to drive careful in the

Martin Luther King Jr day.

 I don't have much regarding MLK, in fact I could only find one of the items I have. I know I have a couple of trading cards but they weren't where I thought they were.

What I do have is vintage 1968 vintage. 

The front cover basically a 3x5. 

The back cover.  

The inside. 

In case you didn't notice the slot on the left side in the first scan. It holds a pen.

MLK was a mighty fine American, and I am glad he has a day for people to remember him for who he was and what he stood for....died for. 

I know that today was also inauguration day and does in and of itself have historical and meaningful purpose especially for me, nonetheless I am still giving way to MLK as this day January 20th doesn't usually fall MLK day. It does from time to time as MLK day is celebrated on the third Monday of January (his birthday was 1/15). 

May the entire world be a better place.

Friday, January 17, 2025

Tampa card show in December.

 I'm pretty sure I'll not be attending the Tampa show anytime in the near future. The last two visits to that Holiday Inn show got me sick. It is a really big show and this last time wasn't "crowded" and I was only there for less than 2 hours, but sure enough I got sick.

I will be heading to the Clearwater show tomorrow. Fingers crossed all goes well and I find some good stuff. With that being said I did find some good stuff at the Tampa show. I'll break it up into three posts. Starting with the surprise I got that I didn't know until i got home. (You'll see at the end of this post).

I paid $40.00 for everything you see in the box above.

Those are all Star Wars toys.  99 of them. This was the best deal of the day easily with just the toys them selves. When I went through this box I found that surprise I mentioned in the bottom of the box.

From the same dealer another box of stuff that I paid $20.00 for. the stuff above and below was in this box.

Not bad for all of that stuff for $20.00. Not as good as the 100 toys for $40.00 (plus the surprise). But, still not bad.

That is one heck of surprise to find after getting home. Really great condition too.

I am going to have to come up a different way to display all of the Star Wars stuff I have. Right now it is scattered an several places and that isn't a good thing. 

Thursday, January 16, 2025


 SLOTS, that is my shorthand for Sport Lots. With that said here is the rest of the highlights from that order that took a little extra time getting to me.

I was really excited to land these 2024 Topp 206 mini's. I think that I still need a few.

I forget at the moment, but I believe those 2 Ginters finished the team base set. As for the TSC chrome, pretty sure I am close there too.


These are the kind of Braves cards going back to the beginning of them that will help me to get that NUMBER 1 spot.

Tomorrow I'll lead into the weekend with the trip to Tampa. Well, the first part of it anyway.

Enjoy the night!

Wednesday, January 15, 2025

Wacky Wednesday

 Wow, the last 7 days flew by. Seems like only yesterday I posted the Wacky Wednesday. Seriously....zoom, and a week is gone. Glad I put a couple of months worth in the files.

Here we go!

I had to put my Domingo Ayala (Bryan Resnick) cards in with the just felt right.

The rest are 8x10's

Autographed 8x10's that is.

The last two might be the same photo, but the signature is in different places and in different color. To me that makes them different. As you can tell I love me some Chicken, although I must admit I prefer my chicken fried and a little on the spicy side. I won't say no to some good baked boneless skinless BBQ chicken breasts either.

Have a good night people!

Monday, January 13, 2025

The "LOST" shipment

 The last package I received from Sport Lots had gotten lost on the way too me, was hung up an extra 10 days in transit. I even contacted them to find out what was up. They told me their policy was if it goes 10 without movement in the tracking they refund. That date was set to be Jan 5th. The cards showed up 9:30 at night on Friday Jan 3rd. I was happy, I wanted to the cards not a refund, but man was that close.

I'll drop just a few here tonight then start back on Thursday with some more.

Needed Braves. Because I am (shhh) secretly trying to take over the number 1 spot on TCDB for Atlanta Braves this year.  It's a secret don't tell anyone. The Braves had 8 of those Fusion cards from Topps, I am down to two I think.

Both of those A &G cards are some what Glossy, I say that but one actually is, and the other is some 1 time parallel that Topps did, but is is slick as a glossy (glossy that year were 1/1). Either way all needs. As you can tell I was working on Topps brands needs from days gone past and because I have nearly all of the vintage Braves this is where I'm at. More to come Thursday and Friday should kick off that trip to the Tampa card show. Tomorrow is Wacky Wednesday.

Have a great night.


Sunday, January 12, 2025

Finishing off the Black Friday finds.

 This post wraps up the last of the ComC order that came in last month. The next series of posts will come from the lost but found Sport Lots order. Relatively small compared to the one that I have brewing right now (600+) cards.

Short print variation Albies to start the night.

Following that up with a very short printed (1/7) John Smoltz autograph, and a Japn Edition insert of Acuna.

The 2024 Finest Riley wound up being a dupe that I bought after having this in my inventory. It's all good though because Austin is a PC guy. 

A pair of Greg Maddux convention parallels (there are a ton of parallels for these).

Glad to have this series done. I've got a few more series' to get to and I plan on hitting 2 card shows to closeout this month. One of the series to come is from a few weeks ago when I went to the Tampa card show. Like the previous trip to that show....I got sick. I am all better now. I was a good boy and stayed home until Saturday (I went and got groceries), and then my daughter Hunter and I went to Outback and I got me a big ole steak. I was craving one and it was good!

Have a great week everybody!

Thursday, January 9, 2025

ComC Black Friday: Part three

 As per my usual Friday night post, gonna be quick.

All colorful and shiny and new to me Braves.

I could have sworn that I owned that Freddie cartoon already, but my excel sheet says no. So maybe once i get to my "F's" in the PC update I'll know for sure. I am almost there. Working on the D's currently.

Turned out I did have the Brooklyn collection Acuna, so this goes to the PC.

Have a great weekend.

Wednesday, January 8, 2025

ComC Black Friday: Part two

 First, I am 99% better, sick for 8 days. I am stir crazy. Spent a week, not really messing with my cards any cards really. Just farting around on the internet for the most part. I've got several mailings to package up and get mailed now that I am pretty much over whatever it was I had.

Back to the cards, round 2 of 4.

Never seen the 2016 Donruss parallel before. Some weird holofoil. Looks more like it should have been called zebra though it wasn't.

Several autos. The pair of Wrights atop one is a refractor.

I was happy to add the handful of Max Fried cards. I was NOT happy that Atlanta let him go. Kind of had that Freddie feeling.

No idea how the Braves will fare this coming season. Even though there are still a lot of Stars like Acuna, Albies, Riley, Olson, and Harris for offense knowing everyone of them missed significant time last season. I am concerned. Pitching has a few guys, but still. For the first time in a very long time, I'm not sure they can make the playoffs. As a diehard fan I will always hope (I made it through the 80's). 

Have a great night folks.