Thursday, March 6, 2025

Making progress on multiple fronts plus a care package.

 I am making progress are numerous fronts. The one/slash two that comes to mind immediately are GETTING ATLANTA BRAVES I NEED, and re-organizing the Star Wars stuff. That one required a display curio. I went to Ormond yesterday and made headway on both of those fronts. 

There is some bad news to report though. No more $30.00 dime boxes. He now wants $75.00 as a guy now comes up to his shop every two weeks and buys all of what he has and pays $75.00 per box for them. I figure he is either going into business as a dealer or is a "re-packer". Either way, that sucks. I picked up 2 2/3 boxes. I squabbled a bit, and got the partial box no charge and reduced pricing down to $60.00 on the other 2. Lot of goodies though. Well, that is not speaking of the 4K of the cards that were from this years Panini Prizm release, loaded with all of the parallels too. I know you guys aren't into the logo-less cards, but dang if the boxes of that stuff are through the roof as if it were a high end set. Check the prices out for yourself.

I did also grab 28 of their 2 for $5 cards and six 1 dollar cards. Now, I am not a willing participant paying that kind of money for dimes cards (even though many of them can be found in dollar boxes as you will soon see- just not tonight. I am still spoiled getting all of those I have picked up for the last decade at $20-25.00. Anyways, I didn't put them back, as the shop also gave me one of their tall glass display curio's for free, and a short white book case that matches the taller one and the shorter one I already have, the book shelves that actually have books on them, lol. I couldn't get them yesterday so I had to go back today and get it and needless to say I hit up the dollar boxes pretty hard (170+), and 28 from the $5.00 boxes, a complete set of the 2024 Topps Chrome Galaxy Star Wars set, and got an 8' foldable legs table to boot. This time I got a super deal, paid less today than I did yesterday.

Okay progress made for sure with the Braves and the display case. Hopefully I get everything moved around in three rooms to accommodate the changes needed before May the 4th, hint hint. 

Now for tonight's real post :)

Blog reader Bill Kearney sent me a care package and a letter as he is coming to Florida in about a week. Hopefully, we can meet up. Bill hit me with the Braves you see above and below. These are just the needs, he sent plenty more but I did have those.

Bill also sent one more item that I didn't have.

This one is sitting side by side with my other Chipper bobble that Julie sent me a few years back (they are different). 

Thank you Bill, looking forward to seeing you down here.....AGAIN. We met up at the Jax card show a couple years back too.

Tuesday, March 4, 2025

Wacky Wednesday

 I did spend the weekend working on my Wacky binders, I have two of them. Likewise, I worked on my Shadows binder. Happy to say it is ready to go this Saturday Shadow Shots is back! Again. 

Now for the Wacky update. For those who weren't around the last time or the original launch of Wacky Wednesdays I will provide a little insight. Way back when, I looked for any excuse to keep a dupe. I must have had 50 mini collections that I no longer have per say. I remember doing a dump or two of them, the last being around the time my mom passed, rather just before anyhow.  I collected cards of pitchers at bat, on the bases too, turning 2,  plays at the plate, dirty uniforms, goofy cards, bunting cards, shadows, cards with kids on them, tractors/mowers, signing, weird things like ferris wheels, American flags, broken bats, bubble gum, (I still collect and have those last two and of course the shadows) and there are many many more. I say this because there in those 2 binders are remnants of all of those.

I have decided to go page by page (I have enough to probably last 2 or three years that way). One of the others things I would do is switch from the sports cards to the Wacky Packages stickers, I did that a few times too. It will be some time before I run out of cards to post up this go around. the one thing that bugs me a smidgeon is that the bindered cards are somewhat in chronological order. Say 90+% anyways. There are numerous spots where there was a dup in there and I replaced it with whatever was available. also When I separated the vertical and horizontal cards in those binders. I know there are those of you that like those, but unless I mix things up, you'll be 2 years down the road before i get to them. (they are in binder two). 

So, that's enough blabbing, here are tonights' NINE picks.

I do in fact have older vintage cards in the Wacky books, but most of them are in the front of binder two. Some scattered throughout binder 1. 

Here I'll explain why they made the binder. Probably won't do this much, but I felt appropriate for the night to kick off actually going through the binder for posts. I will say this there are some in there that I have no idea why it is in there.

1) the facial look.

2) bat barrel (another mini collection that I dumped a decade ago).

3) name play.

4) isn't just cute they way they are holding hands?

5) facial expression.

6) a baseball card!

7) pointing.

8) honoring the National Anthem.

9) name play.

Have a great night folks!

Monday, March 3, 2025

Recent Sport Lots Braves

 Last week I got in another Sport Lots order (the smaller one). I added a bunch of Braves to my TCDB collection, and low and behold I am now further behind than I was before I bought them. Beginning to think a little something fishy is going on there. Actually I've been thinking that for two years now. Anyways, I am getting ready by month's end to have the 600 plus cards (400 of which are new to me Braves), shipped to me. Two weeks ago that would have had me within a couple hundred away from that #1 spot, not anymore now I need just shy of 1200 more to get to the #1 spot. Which is where Bravesfan1 seems to keep the distance around 1100 between us. Driving me nuts. 

Hopefully, that next batch will keep the margin between us a bit more tolerable. Not sure how right now, but by year's end I want that #1 spot.

Have a great night.

Help me....please

 No, I am not in a desperate situation. That is of course if you consider the fact that I can not find any of these Donruss Diamond Kings in the wild, and the ones online are not worth the money being asked.

I'm really only wanting the base cards, but absolutely won't be offended in anyway for the parallels (as long as they are PC guys or Braves). These were inserts in the flagship Donruss release last year. 2024. It is a 40 card insert set. I want them.... I need them x2 in most cases.

Extra innings:

Last month when trying to clear up some of the stacks that I have all over the place, I stumbled across this ticket stub. Now I am pretty sure that I once posted it, just not 100%. Either way it is pretty cool.

Super Bowl ticket stub. I have no idea how I got it. I know I didn't go to the game, in fact there is a funny story, maybe not so funny depending on your perspective in the situation. here it goes.

I met my 3rd wife at an exclusive annual Super Bowl party in 1998. She and her girlfriend were seated at the same table as me and a buddy Jamison. She (Dorie, Adorinda) was a Broncos fan and Elway fan. I didn't really care who won the game as for the cost of the ticket...I was there to consume all of the "all inclusive" items such as alcohol and food like Prime Rib etc. Fast forward one year, I bought a pair of tickets to the same party (1 for me and Dorie). She was 9 months pregnant at the time. Well, on January 30th she goes into hard labor. i call my buddy Jamison up, and offered him the tickets for him and his girlfriend who had no plans for the game. All is good right? The labor was long, my youngest Hunter did manage to make an appearance on 1/30, but barely. Needless to say Dorie and Hunter were still inpatient on 1/31 and yes I was right there as I should be. Back to Jamison, they made arrangements for a babysitter for his girlfriends toddler. They go to the party, and not even in the 2nd quarter, they were called back home. Trip to the ER for here son (he was badly impacted.....not worries it was just poop! The hospital "hosed the boy out" and all was good. Jamison came up and visited us while they were handling the dirty work. 

I guess you could call it a "reunion of sorts", lol. That could be considered funny. To add to the story, here is the down low....

At that 98' party, Jamison was interested in Dorie, and I was messing around with her girlfriend. We hung out at the GF place after the party for awhile. Jamison got Dorie's phone number and later in the week asked her out on a date for the next weekend, she said yes, but that she would meet him there, and he had to bring me. Starting to not get fun. Maybe she was planning on bringing her friend, he had no idea and agreed.  

Yeah, she didn't bring a friend. I recognized the issue right quick, and did my best to stay completely away from them. I hung out in the pool room (I used to be pretty good at that game). Dorie kept coming back in there dragging me out to the dance floor "so Jamison could rest". Yeah, not funny for him for sure. Nor me really, he was my bud and it was clear this Puerto Rican New Yorker wasn't settling for anything but me. She slapped me on that very night we met, because I commented about her being "ANOTHER" Puerto Rican from New York as I had just broken up with another one a few weeks earlier. Ah, Diana my Puerto Rican Pocahontas. She smelled like Pears, lol. Anyways yeah how is that ticket triggering memories. 

End result, I have Hunter who spends lots of time with her old man :) and now a grandson to boot. Yet, I still have no idea where I got that ticket stub from. 

I hope everyone has a fantastic week. With that said, I am going to skip my Friday post and will be kickstarting the Saturday Shadow Shots again.

Friday, February 28, 2025

MeelyPops cards

 A couple weeks back I had to go to the Gainesville V.A., and afterwards I decided to hit one of the card shops there. It was the very day that the 2025 Topps released. No, I did not buy any. Still haven't for that matter. The shop is not known for having any "good deals" or bargains. The closest they have are the two row boxes that hold dime cards (not sleeved) and sleeved fifty cent cards. I will say that I like that they are sorted by teams though. Anyways, I found two handfuls of each (sleeved and un-sleeved).

Some 2024 high end for my set builds, and a nice new Jr. card.

Two more set build needs and 2 I wasn't leaving behind (.50).

More set needs plus a couple of Holiday SP's that I didn't need for the set build, but the PC's will benefit from them.

PC grabs.

The entire BoSox set was in these boxes. I grabbed my PC guys only (there are tons more I didn't scan). Those dime cards.

More set build grabs.

I didn't come home empty handed, and was okay with the $30.00 I spent. Again, there was a lot more cards that I didn't scan.

Have a great weekend.

Thursday, February 27, 2025

A couple of New Yorker bloggers, both with Vintage odd balls. Closing with a stumper.

 Let's do this! 

Got these 4 needs from Bo. Three 1965 Embossed and a Braves need. Thanks Bo.

Got a 10 pack from Greg. Four 79' Hostess an Acuna and Chipper need. He also sent a Maddux that I already had. I also had the Holiday SP Garcia. I scanned it because I know I had two of them before and I sent one to either Mr. Dilliard or Ginko, not sure who I sent it to. If you would kindly let me know which one got it, I can send this one to the other guy. Got me another new Holiday stocking ornament and a needed Laughlin. 

Thanks Greg!

Now, as for trivia last night. We did not win. We did well, but had absolutely no clue for the FINAL championship question. 

"What animal produces the milk used to make the most expensive cheese? PLUE cheese. Never heard of Pleu cheese, heard of Bleu cheese, but not Pleu.

Answer: Donkey.

Tomorrow's cards come from from a trip to Gainesville a couple weeks back.

Wednesday, February 26, 2025

Wacky Wednesday

 Another week another Wednesday, and another Wacky pre-scanned set of cards I find interesting for one reason or another. Sometime this coming weekend I will have to run another handful of scans. I really like having 2 months worth sitting in the scan files ready to go. After a year of not blogging on Wednesdays, it made for a super easy and very fast post to get back into the 5 days a week posting. Like others that have done this for awhile I remember posting every single day sometimes two or more times a day. Don't miss that. I have been thinking that I need to work on that Shadow Shots binder this weekend too. I used to and believe it still should be done on Saturdays. Saturday Shadow Shots. So I am thinking not posting on Friday and slip the Saturday back into the lineup. Let me know what you think in the comments. Also Saturday morning, midday, or evenings. (I actually prefer the night time myself).

Here are this weeks nominees which again is the last pre-scanned from that stack that needed placed into the binder which I still haven't done. 

Have a great night hope we won at trivia tonight. We won 2 weeks when we last played. Can we do back to back visit wins again? I'll let you know tomorrow (if we won).

Monday, February 24, 2025

Incoming: From coast to coast

 I'm certainly getting these incoming posts out this week.

This package came across the vast United States via DefGav aka; Gavin at Baseball card breakdown. He made these custom Braves for me, plus some other customs down below a scan or two. He also sent me a few Pacific ornaments. I want them all.

Gavin also made me the custom ornament Brave.

Now for the big finale.

BUBBLE GUM customs (series 2). I am sure Bob got his too. 

I probably should have scanned the backs individually so that you could read them. The write ups explain the photo on the front.

Thanks Gavin!

Have a great night everybody.

Sunday, February 23, 2025

INCOMING: A local in person "trade".

quick update: 1 week in and now 1707 Braves cards. 

I'm going to get the remaining incoming cards done this week. Starting now with a trade buddy locally. Mike Block lives in The villages and I have known him for 15 years. My brother and I met up with Mike and had lunch near his home. Afterwards, we followed him (2 blocks) to his house. He was on his golf cart which is 100% absolutely normal for The Villages.

I can count on running into to Mike at the quarterly card shows in The Villages, and I did that last month and we planned our little get together. Mike is always giving you cards. This time he had a need....1 pocket pages and I had a box and took them to him. He tried to buy them, I said no.  While we were at his house he gave my brother a handful of cards and gave me a stack too. That Combo Piazza/Gibson is perfect timing as I just yesterday updated the Josh Gibson PC and needed it. Hopefully I already have one in the Piazza. I didn't need the 55' Bowman Braves, not even for the set builds so I gave them to my brother. I trimmed the top two (I didn't know this 8 card set existed). They are normal sized cards. here is the back below.

The trimmed version is so much better.

 Like the 55's I didn't need the Crandell in the sets or Braves so Jack got that one too.

The 1985 Eddie Mathews and Joe Adcock postcard was a need for me.

There you have one in person trade meet up done.

Have a great day!

Thursday, February 20, 2025

More incoming cards. This time borrowing from Mark: Flea Market finds

 Probably need to post a few of these Incoming from bloggers/trader next week to get caught up. Meanwhile, last weekend I went to one of the local flea markets. I hadn't been since right after I got back home from Georgia. After two years I figure let's just see. There were probably 6 or 7 vendors with baseball cards....maybe a couple more. That in and of itself shocked me. I was figuring that I'd see a a couple. They were pretty all over priced crap. Like 10 for a penny cards charging a buck, yeah not for me. I actually walked every aisle looking at everything. Didn't buy a thing....that is until I got to the very last row. Three table outside no cover with a variety of mainly older antique like items, but I spotted some cards and comics.

Nearly the complete set, plus there were plenty of dupes. I think there were 50+ in all, and after a couple minutes of negotiating regarding the card set below I made a deal and these 1979 Topps comics were free. He initially wanted $5.00 which I would have gladly paid anyways, but I wanted the set below and wanted it for a better price. That my friends is the Art of the Deal (on a much smaller scale of course). 

These cards were in a binder (which I got too), but these 1934 German Tobacco cards were not in order, and there was a slew of them. I don't read German, but these Pre-War cards were interesting. He wanted $40.00 for the binder, we settled on him throwing in the comics.

After researching and figuring out what the set was I found the set contained 252 mini cards, and I got them all but 6 cards. They are basically military depictions of the old army. Old is the key word there, you can tell what I mean by the pictures, lol. Anyways. They are now in order and sitting in a box of non-sport cards waiting for me to get some more of those square pocket pages. They'll be fine in the box. I did wind up making one more purchase after the $40.00. It was on the very first row of the flea market on my way out I bought not one but two bags of some Cajun boiled peanuts... mmmh mmmh good!.

Thanks go out to San Jose Fuji for borrowing his theme for a post. 

Have a great weekend everyone.

Wednesday, February 19, 2025

Those leftovers the other day left me hungry. Let's eat.... It's supper time!


Maybe I should say let's have a snack.

Those of us that have been collecting for decades know that there are hundreds of different "food issue" cards out there. You have Cracker Jack, M&Ms, Tombstone, Jimmy Dean, Cap'n Crunch, Jumbo sunflower seeds, Yoo-Hoo, Squirt, Pepsi, Coke, Drakes, Chef Boyardee, Kraft, Wonder Bread and lots of other breads too, Twizzlers, Mother's and Johnston cookies, Ritz/Oreo, Quaker chewy, Oscar Meyer,  Nissen, King B, Granny Goose, Utz, Nestle, Hostess (duh), Little Debbie too, Big League chew, Mootown, Homer's, Jays, Jiffy Pop, General Mills, Eagle, Mr. Turkey, Armour, Humongus Ent., Wheaties, City pride, Dan-Dee, Hire's, Goudey, Glendale meats, Wilson franks, Bond bread. I'll stop here as the list goes on and on and these are just the ones mainly from the 80's and 90's. 

I know you're thinking how could I intentionally leave out a few missing obvious choices. Hah....I didn't.

I had a few of the "founder's" in my famous people box and thought why not make a post with them. 

Post from the 60's were basically the same including the Jell-o release which was slightly smaller. But Post had some various styles through the  years.

1982 above and 1983 below.

These are oversized which I do not like, and thus must be placed into 4 pocket pages which I have not done yet. I do have a handful of each of those years.

Below is the 90's version along with a 2001 design which I absolutely dig.

Moving on to the next guy.

With Kellogg's the main difference in their run was whether or not it was lenticular or not. In case you are wondering I used cards that were sitting in a stack waiting (for a year) to put in the binders.


I didn't have Micky D cards that were sitting in a stack needing to be put away, because any that I have that are keepers are PC guys. Most of know this guy owned the Padres. they released cards via Classic as well as with Topps.

Don't ask. I have no clue what a Farkleberry is.

Had these sitting in a stack for the PC guys.

Lastly out beloved Hostess.

There are tons of candy companies from the early 1900's too. Now, who is craving some junk food?