Wednesday, February 26, 2025

Wacky Wednesday

 Another week another Wednesday, and another Wacky pre-scanned set of cards I find interesting for one reason or another. Sometime this coming weekend I will have to run another handful of scans. I really like having 2 months worth sitting in the scan files ready to go. After a year of not blogging on Wednesdays, it made for a super easy and very fast post to get back into the 5 days a week posting. Like others that have done this for awhile I remember posting every single day sometimes two or more times a day. Don't miss that. I have been thinking that I need to work on that Shadow Shots binder this weekend too. I used to and believe it still should be done on Saturdays. Saturday Shadow Shots. So I am thinking not posting on Friday and slip the Saturday back into the lineup. Let me know what you think in the comments. Also Saturday morning, midday, or evenings. (I actually prefer the night time myself).

Here are this weeks nominees which again is the last pre-scanned from that stack that needed placed into the binder which I still haven't done. 

Have a great night hope we won at trivia tonight. We won 2 weeks when we last played. Can we do back to back visit wins again? I'll let you know tomorrow (if we won).


  1. Rogers is going to need knuckle guards if he goes any lower. Canseco has a big grain scoop and it's not referring to the size of his baseball glove. Have a great night all!

  2. I nominate shirtless baseball cards as the worst ever.

  3. Hope you guys won at trivia night. Excited to hear Shadow Shots will be making a return. I don't really have a preference on posting times since I'm almost always late to the party anyways.

  4. Piazza's drum kit and Dever's behind the scene posing are my favorites. I did not need to see Ron Gant's nipples...

  5. Hope you guys win at trivia.
    It seems that Friday there are a lot of posts on my reading lists (which is good), but it drops off noticeably on the weekend, so maybe having a post on Saturday would be good to fill up those 2 days where there are only 1 or 2 posts on my reading list.

  6. Not only can I barely keep up with posting once a week, I forget to check my RSS every day now too. Which is to say that any blogging you do is bonus and appreciated and do what works best for you not for us.
