Friday, February 28, 2025

MeelyPops cards

 A couple weeks back I had to go to the Gainesville V.A., and afterwards I decided to hit one of the card shops there. It was the very day that the 2025 Topps released. No, I did not buy any. Still haven't for that matter. The shop is not known for having any "good deals" or bargains. The closest they have are the two row boxes that hold dime cards (not sleeved) and sleeved fifty cent cards. I will say that I like that they are sorted by teams though. Anyways, I found two handfuls of each (sleeved and un-sleeved).

Some 2024 high end for my set builds, and a nice new Jr. card.

Two more set build needs and 2 I wasn't leaving behind (.50).

More set needs plus a couple of Holiday SP's that I didn't need for the set build, but the PC's will benefit from them.

PC grabs.

The entire BoSox set was in these boxes. I grabbed my PC guys only (there are tons more I didn't scan). Those dime cards.

More set build grabs.

I didn't come home empty handed, and was okay with the $30.00 I spent. Again, there was a lot more cards that I didn't scan.

Have a great weekend.


  1. Nice Nathan SP S/N card and a yoohoo McCovey are great. Other very nice cards as usual. Have a great weekend all!

  2. LOve that shots by the kid griffey insert!

    1. I thought the same thing, didn’t have many of these as a kid as I recall they were really pricey

  3. I wish my LCS had a dime box... or a 50¢ bin. If they did, I'd probably go there more than once or twice a year to grab supplies. Lots of great stuff here. My favorite of this bunch is the 90L Griffey. I remember when that card sold for good money and was a highly coveted card.

  4. Looks like you got some good dime box cards.

  5. Dime box and vintage boxes are by far my favorite spot these days!
