A couple of weeks back when I made the back to back day trips over to Ormond Beach and Kyle jacked the cost of the dime boxes (by the box) 3 fold and I whined I did get some free packs of cards. Yes, I am spoiled....who wouldn't be when for a decade plus you were buying monster (3 and 5 row) boxes of baseball cards for $5-25.00, then all of a sudden they $30.00, then very short lived jumped to $75.00. yeah I'm calling it sticker shock. I just bought 2 and 2/3 boxes that day and I'm probably not going to buy any box full from there again. That is not saying that $75.00 isn't a good deal with the kinds of cards in the dime boxes (that's .03 a piece) a very good deal. I however, am not going to spend $75.00 for them as 99% of them won't be needs of any kind for me. I can hand pick the cards I want, and because the last visit last Friday I grabbed 200 cards and got them for free. I expect that to be the case most of the time going forward, along with a reduced number of trips over there.
My blog's profile since it's inception was about DEALS. So now I must journey back into the real world and find some DEALS. I actually look forward to taking some trips all over Florida looking for them. It may take awhile, but I'll find some you can bank on it.
Kyle did make it up to me by giving me some free packs, a book case, a 8ft table, and that curio which was more beneficial to me than anything else I got that day. In an attempt to get my Star Wars all together and organized before May 4th, I visited a few used furniture stores. The closest thing I seen was kind of like the curio I got from the shop, the difference those in the "used" furniture shops were $1200.00. Yeah, that trip albeit shocking initially was a HIT for me. As for the free packs of cards on day 1 were 4 packs of 2024 Heritage and a slew of the 2025 Topps Hobby Rip night packs.
The 1/1 is hard to see but it is in the upper left corner just under the BL. That pull would have been better if it was a PC guy or Braves card, but hey I am NOT complaining. I still have a couple more posts from the Ormond cards from those two days. The cards i pulled from the buck box, and then other cards. After those are done I will start on the Clearwater show cards, followed by some Ebay wins, and other incoming and then back to another visit to Ormond. Who knows what else I'll find before I get those posts posted.