Sunday, June 30, 2024

What ever will I do?

 That is to say, what have I done with some of those 4K series 2 Topps I picked up a couple of weeks ago. Simple this very short post will be clear!

That is 152 PWE's with nothing but series 2 Topps that will soon be on their way to the OCT realm. 1/3 of the batch I brought home. Wait, I have to correct that one of those big stacks are actually 2023 Topps and the smallest one is 2021 & 2022 Topps. But it was the 2024 that triggered them all. These 152 trades will be getting me super close to that magical number of 3,000 trades over there too. REAL close. With that said, I am reminded that by year's end I will also be hitting my 3,000th post on this here blog of mine as well as my 1 millionth view. Some BIG numbers that I am looking forward to knocking down. 

Speaking of knocking down. I got a package from former blogger and friend to many of us Wes. He has down and done it again. By which I mean he is forcing me to actually have to get into my old John Elway files and do an update. (I haven't really updated that thing in roughly TEN years). This is the 2nd time Wes dumped some Elway's on me in the last few years and I definitely see some I know I didn't have, so that is going to be tedious. Once I do actually get that updated I will scan up the new to me and then attempt to update TCDB which hasn't been updated either in 10 years. I owe Wes a steak dinner and I surely thought that I would have made it up and over to Alabama by now. It is on the bucket list.

Friday, June 28, 2024

OMG! I'm giving props to Topps!

 YES, I said that. Ten days ago I put in a redemption that I had been sitting on since last year. 6/18/24 entered code for this:

Less than a week later 6/24/24 this showed up.

Less than a week turn around. 

For some reason they flagged it for rushed. I'm good with that. Now I have the card and it can clearly go with the others from that rip (at Kyle's in Ormond).

Again none of these nor the Pink one I just got are desired keepers for me, so if you see one you're interested in LET'S TRADE!

Thursday, June 27, 2024


 Okay let us take a peek at the 2024 Braves that I pulled from the dime boxes.

I was able to get all 13 of the series 2 Braves for the team set, and pretty sure for the set build too. In addition to the insert and yellow parallel I was able to get three more needed braves from the Platinum release.

The Olson was not in the dime boxes. I forget if it was a buck card or 2.50.

Now for the surprise.

These are Heritage MINIS! In fact I gathered up all I seen, which was a couple hundred of the minis. Hmm, what to do what to do. 

Monday, June 24, 2024

Braves: not from the dime boxes.

 I'll start the Braves I pulled from Kyle's dollar boxes, and end tonight with a few from the 2 for $5.00, and 1 scan of $5.00 cards. Keep in mind I get the dollar cards for .33 and the the 2.50 cards were about a buck each, and the $5.00 cards are half price too.

An auto for .33 cent, my kind of find. I pulled 42 dollars and paid $15.00. Most of the Braves I pulled were dupes at least half anyways. I needed all of the cards above except for the last one.

Now for the $2.50 cards (1.25 each).

What?   Four more autos. Okay these weren't .33 but still. I pulled 14 cards from these boxes and paid $15.00. These are the Braves that I needed the rest were either dupes or PC guys that I didn't scan.

Just 1 scan of Braves from the $5.00 box.

I paid $10.00 for these 4 cards.  I'll have the 2024 Braves I got out of those dimes boxes and some of them will blow your mind....maybe that's exaggerated a bit. Should have those up for Thursday.

I'm back

 made it back safely from the run to Ga. 

While scouring the dime boxes for odd balls to fill the 2 boxes I had found this Bobby Cox, which I knew I didn't have, so that is a WIN.

I found a slathering of 2023 Goodwin Champions, so I picked out the baseball and female athletes. Plus two specifically for my brother.

The Connors and Johnson were for my brother Jack. The Miller above and below are for my Miller collection.

Maria is for me :).

I'll start with Braves tomorrow.

Have a great night everyone.

Friday, June 21, 2024

some odds and ends

 The other day when at KnT cards, I initially planned on getting one of the $20.00 boxes. After I filled 3/4 of a box with series 2 and Chrome Platinum I found another box 3/4 full of all series 2. I quickly decided yeah get it, then just fill up the boxes the best I could.

When doing that I am scouring the boxes rather quickly glancing for the eye catchers. This go around I grabbed a hundred or so recent Chrome Garbage pail Kids (no.... I don't collect them). I also found a few other products too.

There was a couple of boxes (3k ct) full of older A&G. I wish I had paid more close attention to them. Instead I grabbed a handful of thicker cards from in there. Low and behold I get home and they were 2006 & 2007.

Thinking now, with 2006 might have been a good idea to scoop up that box for $20.00 Oh well.

 Spotted this 2011 Braves Heyward bobble, had to get that. Anyway, I've got more odd ball picks for next week. Maybe Monday after I get back from Georgia. Have a great weekend.

Thursday, June 20, 2024

Series 2 sorted!

 Okay, I got the series 2 Topps sorted. I came up 8 cards short of a complete set. Rest assured I'll have those nicked by bedtime. Three thousand dupes. I'll make a few OCT trades for sure to thin those down. 

The pic above shows the first two rounds of (each box) where I sorted them by the "hundreds". The shorter stacks on the left are obviously the 350-399s, followed by the 2 rows each of 400's, 500's, and lastly 600-700. Side note: i did find another bubble gum card too.

Here you can see the sorted cards again by the hundreds bit sitting inside the box with the 351-399 sitting outside the box. After this was done I then sorted each row to get them into numerical order. Done. (now to get to those taxes which I am driving back up to Valdosta to handle with his accountant Monday). I did manage to pull PC guys and 2 of each rookie logo card for my hoarding as well. Now what I have fits into the box with about a hundred stacked on the side of one of the rows. Eventually, not now but I will thin them again for one of my 13 year running odd ball collections. In time, no rush. 

To close the week out tomorrow I'll scan up some of the odd balls.

Have a great night!

Wednesday, June 19, 2024

Yeah, I did!

 Ray Stevens was a very funny guy (my perspective). Frist let's recognize the passing of Willie Mays. He had 93 years behind him, HOF career and probably the best ever outfielder. RIP, kid!

Now, I mentioned last night that I would be heading over to the beach today, I did. I came home with two 3K count boxes. I will be sorting those for a few days. A good mix inside, but mainly series 2 Topps (apx 4K cards), maybe 500 or so Chrome Platinum, and then a variety. I grabbed up a good bit of Braves, which I'll sort by dime box, $1.00 box, 2 for 5, and $5.00 cards. I also used a Braves Bobble head to fill the box.  

Tonight I will just do one scan. 4 cards. Seriously sit down, just kidding I didn't get 4 Mays Gem Mint RC cards.

I pulled these cards as I scanned over the 4K looking for my Braves which I did pull out also. I went through half of the cards before checking the time. So this will have to do while I peruse the other half. Notice I spotted a new bubble gum card to go along with the three trophy cup cards.

I'm going to try to sort the other half tomorrow between trying to file 2 tax returns on behalf of my deceased for two year Uncle Fred, yeah those 75,000 new IRS agents are only going to go after people making more than 400K. BS, no DS *Donkey Squat). Fred, had a great income, but he spent more than that paying care givers, so literally he owed nothing in taxes, and after getting 8 years of his taxes done at once before he died, verifying that I had taken to the actual IRS building in Valdosta, and they told him not to file a return for those years....not once  but twice. I even double checked on the IRS website, yep said the same thing. Now I'm getting letters....... for those 2 years that wasn't filed. BECAUSE THEY SAID NOT TOO. Hopefully, all will be okay. 

Have a great night folks (my daughter just came over).

Tuesday, June 18, 2024

Topps series two

 Howdy all. Yesterday I received my first series 2 cards in the mail. My first Braves series at that. They hail from just a bit south of me from fellow OCTer Bob. 

Right off the bat I noticed a couple of things that I was not aware of. For example the Statue of Liberty. Yep, Topps decided to go all out for series two and added 6 new parallels. In addition to the one above, fireworks, sun, waves, summer foil, and hotdogs. I didn't catch those when I inputted the checklist to my website or excel sheets. Rest assured it is now done. 

The 2nd thing that caught my eye is the Hank Aaron card is so warped I would actually call it twisted. How it managed to scan fine I have no idea. A non chrmium card warping, what the heck is going on. I wonder has anyone else out there seen any new warping? 

I am thinking about running over to Ormond and scoop up the dimebox series 2 cards tomorrow. Guess I'll see if it is a common thing.

Have a great night.

Sunday, June 16, 2024

Happy Father's Day

 Happy Father's Day to all papa bears out there!

There ya go three scans to commemorate the Braves getting 3 wins in a row. Man the last month was so bad. Ozuna is having one heck of a year. 

Friday, June 14, 2024

Flag Day

 What a glorious day to honor our Flag. Mine is flying high and you'll see below.

Had to put in a couple of "Flag cards." Now, for my Flag.

From my front door. Okay it is two flags.

Thursday, June 13, 2024

The Braves stacks are done.

 Maybe I should say almost done. It took a week to get them all checked against my many lists. There are about a hundred or so cards not pictured that I already put into the binders before I realized that I hadn't taken or scanned any pictures. 

I put the 2024 and the 2023 in their binders already. Now, I need to finish putting the rest of these into the binders. I would have gotten them done today, but my daughter Hunter hung out with me all day (she spent last night and also tonight again too). It's all good. She hung out bought me lunch, swept and mopped my floors, washed laundry, and we did some brainstorming for my grandson Elijah's 5th birthday next month. I believe we are going to spend a few days in the big "O" and hit up all of the parks before sending him off to start kindergarten.

Have a great night folks!

Tuesday, June 11, 2024


 When I was digging through Kyle's dime boxes grabbing up all of the Platinum Anniversary cards there were some cards that caught my eye. There always are. Tonight I'll show you four of them although I grabbed some other brands too, but no need to show them.

I hadn't see these cards before. They are quality cards, nice and thick but not too thick. I have heard of the brand well at least seen it before not knowing what they were. Futera Unique.  These are from the Heritage section/subset.

The card fronts are underwhelming or bland if you will on design other than the logo. The backs are much better. Especially when you notice how short numbered they are. One of the cards above is from 2019 and the other 3 are from 2020. There is bronze, silver, and gold. Anyways, How could I pass them up when I basically was paying a little more than 1/2 of .01 per card. ($20.00 for 3000 cards).  .006 each.

Tomorrow is a busy day, follow up with VA in the morning, study trivia in the afternoon, and then go play trivia with my brother Jack. Probably not going to have a post.

Monday, June 10, 2024

When I went back

 I did in fact run back over to Ormond Beach last week to scoop up the 2023 Topps Chrome Platinum Anniversary cards from the dime boxes. I spent $20.00, got a book on Griffey and Thomas plus roughly 2500 of the cards. I got 75% of the set with the rest being held for me for my next trip over. It will be the first of the 3 sets that I will complete. Previously I showed the first two Braves, now I've added 14 more.

Sorry for being crooked, lol. I now need 7 more Braves plus two variations.

Thursday, June 6, 2024

D-Day: Operation Neptune.

 June 6, 1944: D-Day as it has become known. World War II would soon be over. To think now we have to worry about WW3. Oh Lord please help us!

The Normandy landings were the landing operations and associated airborne operations on Tuesday, 6 June 1944 of the Allied invasion of Normandy in Operation Overlord during World War II. Codenamed Operation Neptune and often referred to as D-Day, it is the largest seaborne invasion in history. copied and pasted from wikipedia.

A brief pause here to let you know that I spent nearly 6 hours in the ER today with chest pains. Wait, apparently I am okay numerous tests the ticker and lungs are good. All the labs, x-rays, cat scans, repeat labs etc say nothing. The only diagnostic that could be made or assumed is that I somehow in my sleep strained (inflamed) the chest muscles. Go figure... It sucks because obviously it intermittently is still present, again sucks. "Should take a week or two to clear on its own" I can now add a memory of my own to D-Day.  

The June 6th photo below was copied from the Eisenhower Library.

June 6, 1944 - German prisoners rest in a barb-wired enclosure on Utah Beach after being interrogated by American soldiers

June 6, 1944 - German prisoners rest in a barb-wired enclosure on Utah Beach after being interrogated by American soldiers

June 6, 1944 - German prisoners rest in a barb-wired enclosure on Utah Beach after being interrogated by American soldiers
Photo from the Dwight D. Eisenhower Library page.

June 6, 1944 - German prisoners rest in a barb-wired enclosure on Utah Beach after being interrogated by American soldiers

Wednesday, June 5, 2024

Jeremy brought some goodies too

 Jeremy's visit yesterday netted me some cards too. He brought with him some Braves, a PC card, and some mini collection cards (I'll need to save those for my annual post covering that topic). 

I don't even have to look to see if I needed this one, I know I did.

I'll have to check to see if I need that Morton Easter card. Pretty sure I need the Acuna parallel, the Spectrum Andruw as well as the Heritage. Pretty sure that I do have the rookie reprint though.  Jeremy brought about 30 or so Presidential cards that you'll have to wait until January. On a side note I drove over to Ormond today, looking to grab up a bunch of the 2023 Platinum Anniversary and I did! Not a complete set yet. Should be the first one I complete though as Mike and Bill both (from Kyle's shop) still have a boat load to sort and bring into the store. More of the key cards Ohtani, Acuna, etc plus the key rookies although I did get most of those just not all of them. I am sorting those tonight. 

Have a great night!

Tuesday, June 4, 2024

A quickie anyone?

 Real short tonight. Also letting you folks know that I did not get those stacks of Braves near my laptop checked out so that will have to be on the agenda for the rest of the week. Also noting there is another couple of hundred Braves in stacks on a tv tray/Table near my laptop so that too will be work. Meanwhile I did plan for this short post as I knew Jeremy would be here. Shout out to him for buying lunch today. He spent 6 hours (minus lunchtime) digging in the boxes. He got slower than the last time, he actually only made it through 2 boxes. Hundreds more to go, lol. He did manage "mark off" his want lists somewhere between 800 + cards. 

The above cards came from Mark (Fuji). The 2019 Braves are from the Clear Travel set he posted about recently. Mark sent a slew of those for the PC's too. Always a blast to get new to me Braves, but the real kicker is that Ebay card. I've never used one before, we'll see how that goes. The card was a return for some cards Mark wanted for another buddy of his. Thanks Mark and also to Jeremy for the visit.

Monday, June 3, 2024


 Like the title says I nearly forgot about one good size stack of cards I pulled from Kyle's two weeks ago. Non sports. Star Wars. Now I was basically filling the boxes with 2024 stuff and quite frankly I thought these were 2024's as well. Turns out they are 2023 which I may already have. I seem to remember buying a complete set earlier this year or late last year on Ebay, but the records do not indicate that, nor does searching my posts. I'll just blame it on being in my fifties I guess. I'll check those binders tonight though just to make sure.

Looks to be half of the base paper set and a near complete insert set (one of them anyway).

These look so familiar.

I think I am going to check those binders right now before I hit publish. I knew it. I do already have the complete base paper set and several of the incomplete inserts sets. UGH! Seems to me that I would have posted the set. (scratching my head right now).

Have a good night all! Jeremy is coming over tomorrow to dig through some boxes.